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Fairytales (M Gardevoir EX / Xerneas / Aromatisse)

Hmmm I guess that makes sense.

Camerupt EX/Magma Camerupt is not anywhere near Gardevoir in speed. They need 9 Energy to OHKO AND they need 2-3 Stage 1s, while all you need is having a back-up M Gardy ready to go.
Vom said:
Hmmm I guess that makes sense.

Camerupt EX/Magma Camerupt is not anywhere near Gardevoir in speed. They need 9 Energy to OHKO AND they need 2-3 Stage 1s, while all you need is having a back-up M Gardy ready to go.

Trust me that Camerupt is faster than it seems. Tried it out in the last two weeks and it took me by surprise. All it needs is five fire energies to dish out 250 damage in one turn. With Blacksmith and Magma Camerupt the deck can be real consistent and fast.