Fake Cards: Omastar, Dodrio and Floatzel

If these cards were real, which would you use?

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Aspiring Trainer
It's been a while since I last faked. Hope that there are people who are still into faking and stuff :) No holos this time, just 1 rare and 2 uncommons for variety:


This card was supposed to be a take on the generic Omastar template - a devolving ability and a cumulative damage attack. Pull Under's particularly nasty since the card set aside can't be retrieved in any way until the next turn.


Anybody who is familiar with the keyword Haste in Magic: The Gathering would notice that Dodrio's supposed to do just that: Rush In the turn it is played, deal damage and escape before it is KO'ed.


I sorta love what Rehydrate does - it attaches 2 Energy with a drawback of shuffling an Energy back. But when you have an Energy hanging around doing nothing, Rehydrate's a useful way to put it into use.

I'd love to hear your opinions on anything that needs to be fixed. I don't play competitively and it's been a long time since I even played the TCG, so you can even leave opinions on the cards' playability. I'm open to crits, and please don't leave a one-liner comment (It's great/It sucks etc).

Thanks :)!

P.S. The art is all done by me. I go by the name of endless-whispers on DeviantArt. Blanks are courtesy of the awesome Cascade.
Very cool art, but playability does take a toll here. Besides Omastar it/s mostly pretty terrible in that respect. Nice to see a fellow faker doing his own art for a change. But, these are very well done. Good job!
These are awesome. The effect of the card could use some work, however the artwork is superb! Very good job! I may have to ask you of your assistance the next time I make a fake set.
Oh Wow. These cards are fantastic. One of the Best Fake Card i've ever seen (Artwork wise). The ability of the card however needs a little work.
Nice, just like fangking :p

how do you do the word spacing like in the poke-powers or attack effects? like at the right side it's always umm..even.
I'd have to say that Omastar's first attack is over powered and Dugtrio says "attack if" instead of "attack is" However, that's my only criticism. Great job, best faking I've ever seen.
i think dodrio attack effect and pokepower should be swithched around that would help. as for floatzel prety cool and omastar second attack should read if 2 are heads affect

ps how did you make those if there is a special site please pm me the site address please