Fake Pokemon Cards

My friend bought some Rising Rivals and Flygon Lv.X and Ambipom G was in it, which was kind of funny.

dmaster out.
shinyluxray said:
I`ve never bought a fake pack of Pokemon Cards. I`ve suprisingly never seen a fake pack for sale in Ireland before

Lucky You. Don't Buy Them. There awful.
my friend got some fake cards including an infernape that requires you to discard all cards attached to blaziken..
I was at my local flea market and I bought a booster box of storm front for 2 dollars. I knew they were probably fake but, I went ahead and got them and yea but, it was funny because like every card in the pack was rare.
crm103top08 said:
Oh, I thought you were insinuating that flygon x and ambipom g didn't belong in RR lol.

No, not at all. It's just I kind of claimed the Ambipom at the time because I was playing Luxchomp and my other friend did the same with Flygon Lv.X because he was playing Flyphan, so it was just hilarious.

dmaster out.
I've seen a Dialga G X with a picture of Ditto on it. It wasn't my card, but it was hilarious. Also, it had an attack, "Absorb" that did 200 damage and healed damage equal to the damage dealt. Ahh, if only all DGX's were like that...
At my birthday party one of my friends bought me a fake Platinum pack without knowing it..... It sucked cuz I got a BTS and a Cyrus's.... :(