I've made a few major additions to the OP that warrants an update post!
@Nekoban Ryo kindly uploaded his giga-HQ Gym Era blanks last June, yet they never were actually added to the OP, as we the Gym sets were included under the Classic Era. However, Gym Era has now got its own section, to distinguish the eras!
Sun & Moon brought many changes to the blank aesthetics that have made replicating the resources somewhat difficult for the blank creators. However, there are now some types that have been completed - the Fire, Grass and Lightning blanks, as well as all Full Art GX and Rainbow GX blanks - which have now been added to the new SM Era section. I believe
@aschefield101 is currently working on HQ versions for the remaining types, and possibly Trainers and holosheets after that, and we might have some lower resolution blanks from Cascade Gonpory soon too. On the note of modern blanks, I also added the Dual Type blanks that Asche has completed thus far to the XY section.
Taking a stroll through PCR on DeviantArt revealed a number of custom resources, of which some have been added to a new Custom Resources section, for those looking for a bit of variety.
Finally, the OP has been reformatted to save a bit of space and to try and make things a bit more readable/easy to find. Any feedback is welcome!
EDIT: Added the newly updated Colorless type and Item/Supporter/Energy SM Era blanks by Asche, and also Cascade's smaller blanks.
Anyone know where I can find the mugshot images of the Kanto gym leaders with their badge in the background, as used in the classic gym sets?
I ended up coming across CMP's authentic-looking
Johto gym leader icons for the Gym Era, which aren't exactly Kanto, but you might find them interesting anyhow.