Falcom Cup - 1/4 Finals until the 01.25.2009


You have to play the weekly paring. It's a system to see who is not playing.

Okay, but MadHatter isn't from brazil :p.
RE: Falcom Cup - PAIRINGS ! - Complete your 1 game until 11.01.2009

Who am I supposed to play?
RE: Falcom Cup - PAIRINGS ! - Complete your 1 game until 11.01.2009

My opponent is never on the server; what do I do?
RE: Falcom Cup - PAIRINGS ! - Complete your 1 game until 11.01.2009

Yeah. This is really confusing. It is like there are 2 different groups and each of those groups use the same people, but are divided in different ways.

EDIT: I am currently 1-0 vs. Rogue Archtype and 1-0 vs. Descent. And I am now 1-0 vs. Psychic Pokemon Master. Lol. They all had to go and the final results will be posted in a couple of days.
RE: Falcom Cup - PAIRINGS ! - Complete your 1 game until 11.01.2009

Jamtok said:
My opponent is never on the server; what do I do?
Well I didn't saw you too today Jamtok ^^. And you didn't came to the Falcom_Cup hamachi network !

chanman45 said:
Who am I supposed to play?
Because this is groups of 5 players each week there is a player without game. But you can play the game of the next week, that's against Legoman.

I checked today and for now of Pokebeach:
- qnetykz, Jamtok aren't in the Falcom_Cup network.

The following players aren't in the good network, they should come to the Falcom_Cup_2 network:
Lunar Wing
RE: Falcom Cup - PAIRINGS ! - Complete your 1 game until 11.01.2009

I lost twice against Legoman, and won one.
RE: Falcom Cup - PAIRINGS ! - Complete your 1 game until 11.01.2009

I went 1-1 vs. Rogue Archtype. Stupid misplay, stupid, stupid, stupid...
RE: Falcom Cup - PAIRINGS ! - Complete your 1 game until 11.01.2009

I beat falcom4ever 2-0.
RE: Falcom Cup - Complete your group games fast as possible 2/3 weeks

qnetykz vs. Van Der Clava (1-1)
RE: Falcom Cup - Complete your group games fast as possible 2/3 weeks

Jasemew gived up, he's out of the tournament.

Jamtok, if you don't want to be disquilified, join the network and play.
RE: Falcom Cup - Complete your group games fast as possible 2/3 weeks

GG gave up. I won the 1st match, and he forefits the 2nd. I win 2-0.
RE: Falcom Cup - Complete your group games fast as possible 2/3 weeks

Please complete all your games group before Sunday 18 hours GMT0 London.
RE: Falcom Cup - Complete your group games this week !

I believe I just beat Poison Pokemon Master 2-0. He left at the end of game 2 when I was about to win without a word. I guess that means I win. Correct me if I'm wrong.
RE: Falcom Cup - Complete your group games this week !

I will ask him if he has no objection, but for now I will count it as a victory. You are qualified for the next round.

Decent-PC is out since I didn't saw him for long time.
RE: Falcom Cup - Complete your group games this week !

Yeah. That's my last match anyway (Descent). Will the next round be actual pairings, or another round robin?