Fall 2014 Tins: Venusaur-EX, Charizard-EX, Blastoise-EX! [7/4]

Pikachu6319 said:
*Arguement about not enough room in XY and ORAS for all the Megas...*

Like I said... they probably won't cover all the Megas. I highly doubt Mega Alakazam because of the Dark Kadabra controversy. Any Type that has been recently used probably won't be used any time soon, so Water Types, Fire Types, Grass Types, and Fighting Types probably won't come anytime soon, so don't get any hopes up just yet about Abomasnow or Gyarados, unless it's a Dark Type.
Actually this is the best way to handle M. Alakazam. Since all EX Pokemon 'evolutions' have been basic Pokemon they can make Alakazam EX without any worry over 'Kadabra controversy' then move onto M. Alakazam EX. By that logic Dragon won't be coming anytime soon either since we got M. Charizard EX. That logic doesn't make sense though since most people think we're not far from OS/AR being our next card set and the most likely candidates for the first round M. Pokemon are all of those types (M. Sceptile being Grass/Dragon, M. Blaziken being Fire/Fighting and M. Swampert being Water/Fighting, all of which have been done). Let's also remember that until we know the other M. Pokemon to appear in Phantom Gate, we can't even be sure the current trend will stay around regardless of OR/AS status.

But Nintendo is more than capable of breaking that trend regardless. I don't agree that they won't cover all of the Mega Pokemon and we could all debate our reasonings for against it, but in the end all we can do is wait and see because only Nintendo knows for sure, if anyone does at all.

For what it's worth, I suspect the Charizard we get will be the Stoke one, the one that was our FA Charizard EX in Flashfire. My next guess would be the Combustion Blast. With soon to be three different ways to get Mega Ascension Charizard EX (the box itself, along with the Mega Charizard boxes coming out soon), I doubt this is the one we'll get in the tins. I think in someways it's too bad that those boxes aren't coming with alternate artwork of M. Charizard X or M. Charizard Y, but I understand that to do so would probably be a bad move for Nintendo.
Grass/Poison -- Grass

Fire/Flying -- Fire
Fire/Dragon -- Dragon
Normal -- Colorless

Fighting/Steel -- Fighting
Bug/Fighting -- Grass (Bug)

Ghost/Poison -- Psychic (Ghost)

Could REALLY be anything. I don't think the previous types of the sets are a problem, really. I'm leaning towards M-Gardevoir in Phantom Gate as a Fairy EX. But it could very well be Charem, Alakazam or even Banette or Absol. I'm curious to see if they'll ever go beyond 3 Megas per set.
The rate things are going, the only time we'll see this again will be when they decide to release M. Mewtwo X and M. Mewtwo Y. I think they should do this with M. Ampharos since it's Electric and Dragon (still a farily underutilized type I think).

I don't see M. Gardevoir EX being in this set. At least IMO they need to release a Fairy line of Ralts-Kirlia-Gardevoir before they can release an M. Gardevoir if they want to do it in a Fairy version.
Pikachu6319 said:
The rate things are going, the only time we'll see this again will be when they decide to release M. Mewtwo X and M. Mewtwo Y. I think they should do this with M. Ampharos since it's Electric and Dragon (still a farily underutilized type I think).

I don't see M. Gardevoir EX being in this set. At least IMO they need to release a Fairy line of Ralts-Kirlia-Gardevoir before they can release an M. Gardevoir if they want to do it in a Fairy version.

You might be right. Who knows? Could even be Diancie.
If that's the case, they better darn well have Zygarde in Phantom Gate too. I think it would be messed up if we got a semi revealed Pokemon (unless it premieres in the next six months, America won't have seen Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction before Phantom Gate comes out in English) but not a Pokemon that we've known about since the release of X/Y.
It'll likely be shown in November on CN in America, with Phantom Gate coming out December for us. (But probably with a name like Spirit Force or something)
It's going to be have to be a little sooner than that. Pokemon sets have been released rather consistently over the last few years. Four a year in February, May, August and November. That means our Phantom Gate will be out in November. It better be at the latest September for Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction to be shown on CN.

None of which changes my view on Zygarde being in that set as well. I can see getting Diancie and Zygarde at the same time but we shouldn't be getting Diancie before Zygarde.
"Game Freak doesn't care about the old school fans"

is what they'll still say despite Game Freak shoving Gen 1 in when they don't need to for things.

Reggie McGigas said:
5ban graphics is one of the best artists, but how in the world was THAT made?

This is a joke right
I actually agree, technically these tins should have been out a while ago. Long before we got the Kalos tins though I myself was eager to get Chestnaught EX, Delphox EX, and Greninja EX. In some ways I feel they should have been something more current, though arguably the Kanto EX starter evolutions are probably the most 'important' of the already unreleased EX's in the set.