Wi-Fi Trades Fallen's Trade Center Gen 6&7 (last update 3 December 2016)


Pokemon Collector
Friend Code: 4313-0591-6738
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
Times Available: Varies
Friend Safari: Dark Type

1. All pokemon traded must be legitimate. Clones via a glitch are fine but blatant cheats will not be accepted. I will not trade any cheats knowingly without warning so expect the same.
2. I ask for patience as I'm a busy guy.
3. I expect punctuality once a trade time has been determined.
4. Negotiations and bartering is welcome. UT Pokemon are preferred however.
5. I accept "commissions". If you have a request for a pokemon to be bred and or trained I can accommodate to the best of my ability for an agreed upon price and time table. The cost can range from desirable pokemon to high monetary/rare in-game items.
6. As of right now, I will accept payments in either gen6 or gen7 regardless of the origin of your request for applicable pokemon. For example, if you want something in gen7, you can pay/trade me for it with something in gen6 and vice versa. This allowance is likely temporary until my transition to gen7 is complete.
I may have unlisted pokemon that may be desired so as always, feel free to ask.

Crabrawler M
Froakie M
Oricorio F
Pidove M
Rowlet M
Snivy M
Squirtle F
Turtonator M
Vivillon Pokeball
Vivillon Sandstorm
HA Raikou (Volt Absorb)

Special ball pokemon:
Snow Cloak
Adamant 31/31/31/x/31/31
Encore/Avalanche/Night Slash/Focus Punch


Adamant 31/31/31/x/31/31
Memento/Pain Split/Destiny Bond/Feint Attack

Compound Eyes/Unnerve/Swarm
Timid 31/x/31/31/31/31
No egg moves
Jolly 31/31/31/x/31/31
Pursuit/Feint Attack/Rock Climb/Cross Poison

Inner Focus/Regenerator
Jolly 31/31/31/x/31/31
Baton Pass/Endure/Knock Off

Quick Feet/Poison Heal/Effect Spore
Jolly 31/31/31/x/31/31
Bullet Seed/Charm

Sheer Force/Torrent
Adamant 31/31/31/x/31/31
Dragon Dance/Ice Punch/Aqua Jet/Crunch

Timid 31/x/31/31/31/31
Synthesis/Dragon Breath/Magical Leaf/Endeavor
Jolly 31/31/31/x/31/31
Synthesis/Crunch/Crush Claw/Endeavor

Strong Jaw/Sturdy
Jolly 31/31/31/x/31/31
Dragon Dance
None Currently
Close Combat Growlithe
Iron Tail Growlithe
Morning Sun Growlithe
Extremespeed Dratini
HA Abra (Magic Guard)
HA Aerodactyl (Unnerve)
HA Bagon (Sheer Force)
HA Boldore (Sand Force)
HA Bulbasaur (Chlorophyll)
HA Cacnea (Water Absorb)
HA Carvanha (Speed Boost)
HA Charmander (Solar Power)
HA Chespin (Bulletproof)
HA Dratini (Marvel Scale)
HA Eevee (Anticipation)
HA Feebas (Adaptability)
HA Fletchling (Gale Winds)
HA Froakie (Protean)
HA Gible (Rough Skin)
HA Glameow (Keen Eye)
HA Goldeen (Lightning Rod)
HA Goomy (Gooey)
HA Grimer (Poison Touch)
HA Hippopotas (Sand Force)
HA Inkay (Infiltrator)
HA Joltik (Swarm)
HA Kabuto (Weak Armor)
HA Lapras (Hydration)
HA Lileep (Storm Drain)
HA Litleo (Moxie)
HA Magikarp (Rattled)
HA Mantine (Water Veil)
HA Marill (Sap Sipper)
HA Meinfoo (Reckless)
HA Murkrow (Prankster)
HA Natu (Magic Bounce)
HA Numel (Own Tempo)
HA Oddish (Run Away)
HA Pancham (Scrappy)
HA Petilil (Leaf Guard)
HA Phanpy (Sand Veil)
HA Phantump (Harvest)
HA Piplup (Defiant)
HA Poliwag (Swift Swim)
HA Ponyta (Flame Body)
HA Remoraid (Moody)
HA Riolu (Prankster)
HA Roggenrola (Sand Force)
HA Rufflet (Hustle)
HA Sandile (Anger Point)
HA Sandshrew (Sand Rush)
HA Shroomish (Quick Feet)
HA Skorupi (Keen Eye)
HA Slowpoke (Regenerator)
HA Snivy (Contrary)
HA Snubbull (Rattled)
HA Spearow (Sniper)
HA Spinarak (Sniper)
HA Squirtle (Rain Dish)
HA Swablu (Cloud Nine)
HA Tailow (Scrappy)
HA Taurus (Sheer Force)
HA Treecko (Unburden)
HA Tyrunt (Sturdy)
HA Venonat (Run Away)
HA Vulpix (Drought)
HA Weedle (Run Away)
HA Whismur (Rattled)
Last edited:
RE: Fallen's Trade Center: Kalos (last update 23 November 2013)

No, I'm offering Polar form. Might have to change Shinnies from being paired with forms to avoid future confusion.
RE: Fallen's Trade Center: Kalos (last update 23 November 2013)

You tell me? That's under wants of mine as labeled.
RE: Fallen's Trade Center: Kalos (last update 23 November 2013)

I have a Harvest Phantump, Female with Calm Nature. In return I need a Slurpuff or a Swirlix holding a Whipped Dream. You up for a trade?
RE: Fallen's Trade Center: Kalos (last update 23 November 2013)

I could do that, any chance you could do a tradeback when it evolves so I can too get the dex entry? I'll send it right back your way when all is said and done.
RE: Fallen's Trade Center: Kalos (last update 23 November 2013)

FallenLeaf said:
I could do that, any chance you could do a tradeback when it evolves so I can too get the dex entry? I'll send it right back your way when all is said and done.

Of course. I don't like Slurpuff so you can keep it if you want it. Anyway are you available for trade during weekday afternoons? I am online mostly during that time.
RE: Fallen's Trade Center: Kalos (last update 23 November 2013)

@AwesomeReshiram I may be able to accommodate that this Wednesday weather depending otherwise nights generally work best for me.
@Ice Jackal Hey buddy, long time no see indeed! You drive a hard bargain but I'm sure I could arrange that for you. Would a Gabite be fine knowing it's coming straight from the safari or would you rather it bred as a Gible?
RE: Fallen's Trade Center: Kalos (last update 23 November 2013)

Actually, never mind, I found a Gible. I now want your Goomy (or any member of the line with HA). I understand that just a Chespin isn't much for it, so I can try to get a Spritzee as well. Is that alright?
RE: Fallen's Trade Center: Kalos (last update 23 November 2013)

Yeah, that's cool with me, let me know what times you'll be available this week.
RE: Fallen's Trade Center: Kalos (last update 23 November 2013)

Well... I'm generally free 2pm-5pm and 10pm-12pm GMT+2 on weekdays and 9pm-1am GMT+2 on weekends.
RE: Fallen's Trade Center: Kalos (last update 23 November 2013)

Maybe this Friday/Saturday we can work something out then.
RE: Fallen's Trade Center: Kalos (last update 23 November 2013)

Can you trade on Saturday/Sunday? Some issues popped up so I can't really trade today or Thursday. Friday is unavailable to me so those are the days I am for sure playing.
RE: Fallen's Trade Center: Kalos (last update 23 November 2013)

That shouldn't be much of an issue, have a good Thanksgiving.
RE: Fallen's Trade Center: Kalos (last update 30 November 2013)

Hey Fallen, I'm interested in one of your female Harvest Phantumps. I can offer a female Moxie Pyroar in return. I know that in your wants, you have Litleo, but would that be alright instead? If not, I can just breed one for you real quickly.

As for availability, I'll be free for just about all of today and tomorrow; after that, I'd have to check my schedule to find an opening. Does that sound good?
RE: Fallen's Trade Center: Kalos (last update 30 November 2013)

I want your Harvest PhanTump. I can offer an Anticipation Eevee (HA) or Huge Power Bunnelby?
RE: Fallen's Trade Center: Kalos (last update 30 November 2013)

@TwistedTurtwig a Pyroar instead of a Litleo is perfectly fine I'll be online periodically today so hopefully will be able to tonight. I may be able to tomorrow night if that doesn't work for you however.

@lucariopulse333 I'd like the Anticipation Eevee. Let me know times will you be available and I shall accommodate accordingly.