False Warning

Shadow Ice

Hidin In The Shadows...
Hello Pokebeach. I just wanted to point out that all messages of mine were considered spam in the trading corner, because I was told I do not have a trade thread ref which I do. Now my warning leel has gone up. I hope we can all try to convince them I do have a trade thread ref and let my warning level go down. Thank you for reading and I hope you support me!:)
Well, If what you are saying is that you had a trade rep thread prior to your warning, then just PM the staff member who did it, and they should revoke. If you just now made one, you're out of luck, and the warning will stay.
I think you still have the warnings because you continued to post for trades, even though you can don't a ref. thread. So perhaps you got the warnings first, then made a ref. thread.
I did and I had it before I was informed of the warning. I PMed Shining Raikou and Anthony G, but they never replied back yet.
Well, each thread has a publishing date, so if your telling the truth, there shouldn't be a problem. Give them 24 hours before taking any action, if they fail to respond, Pm a different TC member, or try to contact Anthony or Raikou again.
Yay! I made my ref thread at around 10:51 AM and I posted in the trading corner at 4:41 PM, so I am right and do not deserve this!
Shadow Ice is right.
I checked his posts in the Trading Corner and they were all after he made the ref thread.
So the warnings should be gone. :]

EDIT: Well "revoked" ;D
My ref thread http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=59893

One of my posts was here after I posted the ref threadhttp://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?pid=1236356

Thank you ESP for clearing this situation.
Shadow Ice, I'm glad this was resolved for you, but in the future this should not have been a public affair. You should have just PMd another TC member or myself and someone would have taken care of it. Thanks.
You didn't cause any trouble, I was just letting you know for future reference. You probably should have done the same thing if the person registered with the same name as you bothered you so much as well.