Family Guy...

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
Is it just me or has this show gone the way of Spongebob? I've been noticing that one of the guys who used to write for the series moved on to Phineas and Ferb on the Disney Channel which could explain why Family Guy isn't as funny as it used to be.
Yeah. Family Guy was REALLY funny in the beginning, but now it seems like it is just redoing episodes.
The classic seasons were the best, 1-3. When they brought it back it seemed like they were trying too hard to get people to laugh. It lost a lot of its subtle, think-about-it-for-a-while humor. And don't even get me started on American Dad...
Totally agree. I think Matt is putting most of his work in the Simpsons, and kinda lagging behind on Family guy.
Matt doesn't work on Family Guy. He works on the Simpsons and Futurama.
I think you're talking about Seth MacFarlane.
I've also noticed in the recent episodes some parts aren't as funny as they used to be. The old episodes used to be really funny, and I enjoyed watching them, but now seems like the writers are loosing their touch.
I find Family Guy to be funnier than ever, for the most part. Of course there are a lot of classic jokes from the old episodes, but a lot of the jokes from the newer episodes have been amazing.

I can't really stand the first few seasons because of the absolutely terrible animation quality, but I still enjoy some of those episodes for their jokes. The new/later seasons, for me, combine both improved animation and consistently funny jokes, so my liking for the newer seasons is understandable.
LillipupFTW said:
Yeah. Family Guy was REALLY funny in the beginning, but now it seems like it is just redoing episodes.

It's not that they are redoing episodes, I think it has more to do with pop culture media material when they've went through 9 seasons and exhausted almost every pop culture reference they could possibly think about making a joke on unless they're banking most of it nowadays on American Dad and the Cleveland Show.

But the difference between those shows and Family Guy is out of all of Seth MacFarlane's works, Family Guy is the only one with character flashbacks where as American Dad doesn't have any and I think the Cleveland Show tried using flashbacks like in Family Guy unless they cancelled that series on Fox, not sure though. I'll admit the first few seasons were the best and then they took a nosedive.
^They didn't it is on at like 2:30 am, but Family Guys is getting way better, but they haven't made fun of one thing... I hope that they don't.... Pokemon!!!
What I don't get is MacFarlane has the balls to make fun of Michael J. Fox but
he can't pressure himself to make fun of Justin Bieber cause apparently he
hasn't done anything to be made fun of other than being a very bad example for pop stars in music, heck he isn't anything like Michael Jackson was when I was growing up. Thank God he's moving on to Pro Hockey...

I still think making fun of Fox's Parkinson's Disease was a VERY low blow especially considering that Michael J. Fox was one of my favorite Male actors growing up as a kid cause I loved his performance as Marty McFly in Back to the Future. Now when I look back at that movie franchise that envisionment isn't nowhere near accurate, thank God again.

I probably wouldn't of minded those Mattel Hoverboards and the Nike Self-Lacing Shoes. But the DeLorean DMC-12 featured in the movies is still one of my all-time favorite cars ever cause of the way it was futuristic looking with the gull-wing doors popping out. It's hands down my dream car period. No other car comes close to being as epic IMO.
You're right, it has gone similarly down like Spongebob. For me though, certain episodes are a lot better than others (and it's quite apparent when you watch them, which ones the better ones are). So I still enjoy watching it despite the faults. I'm wondering if the show will ever die down in enough popularity to end it, but that could probably take a long time.

dmaster out.
Yeah I know what you mean, I think the recent Quagmire vs. Brian feud is getting out of hand and it's just boring. At least that's what the recent episodes seem to focus too much on anyway. Here's a few other reasons why the newer episodes of Family Guy are bad right now:

1. Stewie's personality changed too much.
2. The Clips Method is starting to feel stale.
3. Lois is stupid and mean for no reason.
4. Quagmire has a feud with Brian. (mentioned earlier)
5. Peter's brain-dead man child like manner is starting to be annoying
rather than funny.
6. They keep killing off likable characters like Cleveland Brown. He's
not dead just has his own show (he did die in the Stewie simulation
where Stan Smith also made a cameo in the series).
I'll give the show credit, but it got too popular too fast while it was in syndication. I enjoy it, but It doesn't deserve everything it's gotten, especially when compared to something like The Simpsons.

Giggidy giggidy
Vile woman
No one likes meg
80s references
Giggidy giggidy
Alcoholic dog
Giggidy goo