Family Guy

ShadowLugia said:
Yeah, they even joked about that episode in another episode, where peter lost his memory.
Personally, I love the show. Despite what others think, it's a lot of work to come up with new material like that every week. The best animated comedy since the Simpsons, IMO.

They don't come up with a new episode every week, that would be insanely hard.


This is one of my favorite shows, but I think that the newer episodes aren't as good as the older ones.
42 chocolate said:
Yeah, Redstar's comment goes with a lot of other shows. *coughSouthParkcough*
South Park actually has a message with nearly all of their episodes of the last few years, whereas the only message Family Guy seems to want to give is that marijuana is great and Christians suck. I've also never seen South Park make a Stolen joke, though Cartman is heavily implied to have been molested on a few occasions. No specific instances of abortion being used to get a laugh, though, note, that South Park uses their offensive subjects to broadcast a message, while Family Guy just likes to offend.
You're actually saying South Park is actually not as bad and vulgar as Family Guy? Wow. Don't get me wrong, I like SouthPark, but it's way more disgusting and wrong than Family Guy...
Electimortar said:
I think that the newer episodes aren't as good as the older ones.
All of 'em are great to me...
Let's not turn this into the "South Park vs. Family Guy" thread, okay? Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but if people don't remain friendly, this thread will magically become unable to be posted in by normal members.
um south park, the simpson's and family guy are three different type's of comedy, family guy, umm there cool, if peter was here i'd have to sooth his rage for calling his show cool with surfing bird and a random adventure someplace not important. but there three different grade's and type's of American humor. cya
Family guy is pre-pubescent shock comedy every episode without any sort of real underlying humor. Redstar is dead on with his comparison to South Park as well, and I'm not even the biggest fan of SP, either.

In my honest opinion, Family Guy hits their target audience well, but anyone over 15 who gets that much enjoyment out of it really needs to grow up.
It's rated TV14... And you say anyone over 15 won't find it amusing. So they reccomend a show for one age?
Redstar said:
South Park actually has a message with nearly all of their episodes of the last few years, whereas the only message Family Guy seems to want to give is that marijuana is great and Christians suck. I've also never seen South Park make a Stolen joke, though Cartman is heavily implied to have been molested on a few occasions. No specific instances of abortion being used to get a laugh, though, note, that South Park uses their offensive subjects to broadcast a message, while Family Guy just likes to offend.

Ummm-have you SEEN the episode of South Park involving Stem Cells and abortion? One of the most controversial topics of today, and Cartman gets a bunch of Stem Cells and uses them to build his own Shakeys pizza instead of help Kenny, who dies. And your telling me Family Guy isn't as bad?

I love both shows. Lol. Family guy especially. Such a funny show, so many good jokes throughout the entire episode. Rarely do I find a joke that makes me actually laugh out loud, but I do laugh inside at almost every one of them. I have yet to find a screamer in the series.
Seth1789110 said:
Ummm-have you SEEN the episode of South Park involving Stem Cells and abortion? One of the most controversial topics of today, and Cartman gets a bunch of Stem Cells and uses them to build his own Shakeys pizza instead of help Kenny, who dies. And your telling me Family Guy isn't as bad?
The difference is, that's called satire. It had a message. There was a reason behind it... Can you tell me there was a reason behind the "prom date dumpster baby" song?
actually family guy is targeted to anyone between the age's of 14-35, most of it's fan's are anywhere in between 16-28 in the states and roughly the same in canada. to say that if your over a certain age and if you were to watch family guy you should "grow up" is as childish as saying grow up (i'm not being a hater but it is a very childish thing to say). Even though it may pertain to a genre of people like the simpson's and south park (even though family guy has a wider range then those 2 series) it's just humor and should be up to anyone to decide weather or not it's good or not good. cya

P.S. yes it was to poke fun at prom slut's and the so called generic belief that at every prom there is at least 1 dumpster baby *thats one of the reason's why I avoided my prom like the black plague, I went to a very gang related high school with very slutty lady's, one lady had 2 children at my grad it was a bit depressing).
varit said:
P.S. yes it was to poke fun at prom slut's and the so called generic belief that at every prom there is at least 1 dumpster baby *thats one of the reason's why I avoided my prom like the black plague, I went to a very gang related high school with very slutty lady's, one lady had 2 children at my grad it was a bit depressing).
Uhh... No. Since when are "prom sluts" and "dumpster babies" a widespread "generic belief"? I've been to several proms and have so many siblings and cousins; never heard of that until Family Guy. You can't honestly say they had a legitimate message when airing that skit. It was simply trying to be offensive.
tuche. for most of the high schools in my city it was common knowledge when I was in junior high about stuff like dumpster baby's and prom slut's going together (plus i've heard of it being mentioned in a few movie's). anyways. cya

P.S. i never said "generic belief" alone, I said "so called generic belief".
And Redstar wins whole argument.

This is getting out of hand. If I see "Stop complaining," "Just don't watch it," or some irrelevant comments, I'm shutting this down.
Anyone know when there will be a new episode? Obviously they can't make a new one every week.
Maybe we could start a small discussion about what we think the next episode could be.
It's waaaaaaaaay too unpredictable. But whatever. My vote is that Peter finds a talking toilet somewhere along the episode. If it comes true you mail me 100$. Deal?