Favorite Card

Well, if it's from unlimited one, I'll chose ENERGY REMOVAL & SUPER ENERGY REMOVAL... Keep opponent stuck and can't attack...
R/S on: hmm... hard to think coz I don't have that many cards...
maybe... Dustox Ex?? (even that I don't own it, my brother does)
very nasty against Ex...
Gengar ex
[shocked opponent]
me: hehehe, i know ALL ur cards... and 6 trainers to... goodbye banette ex... 100 DAMAGE!!!
Must be charizard from skyridge, the crystal type :)
drawings by kouki saitou, looks awesome.
the attacks are..bad, really bad, it's second attack for example:
Fight L Fire C : flip to coins this attack does 50 damage for each heads.
donphan HP's second attack does the same, but he can use it for CCC!
what a shame

Of course Typhlosion ex

Bursting up to search ur deck for R energy and attach to R pokemon.
Then kindle for 80 damage and discard ur opponent's pokemon energy(including special energy)