Pokemon Favorite pokemon villains in video games?

Which team is your favorite?

  • Team Rocket

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • Team Aqua

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Team Magma

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Team Galactic

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • Go Rock Squad

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Team Dim Sun

    Votes: 2 11.8%

  • Total voters
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You can't deny that Psyduck is beast. I guess.
Just out of curiosity and for fun, which villain team in pokemon games is your favorite? My answer is Team Aqua. I like teh uniforms... :D Team Magma comes second. I also like the Go Rock Quads, but nothing else about the Squad.
In spite of the fact that those two transvestite Rocket grunts and that talking Maneki Neko keep on blasting off again, and again, and again, with a seldom changing impromptu creed that's been done to death for the past decade, Team Rocket is the only team that doesn't have an idealistic point of view. Giovanni is the original antagonist syndicate leader, and the only one who actually runs a gym, giving him a plus for the rough guy. Other teams have dissolved into "I gotta change the world by getting this legendary and doing this, and that so that the world will be a perfect place for...". Cliched, and unrealistic. Rocket on the other hand is just so simple, and effective.[/originalisalwaysbest]
Team Rocket. Even though they've beaten the same dead horse since the beginning. They're the only team that goes around stealing Pokemon and wouldn't care about changing the world. That ambition of taking over the world has beaten senseless (by Aqua, Magma and Galactic).
xanaseviper said:
Team galactic because they're actually good at what they do.
thats so true lol but I think team aqua was also good at what they did and they had awesome uniforms :D
A-hem, sorry to break it to you but I've already made this thread. And it got locked. Because it counts as SPAM. So please follow the rules.
GoRockQuadsGiratina, please don't mini-mod. Instead of posting in the thread about why it breaks the rules (which you're wrong about, anyways), just keep it to a reported thread.

Anyways, the reason this thread is being locked is because of the "no favorites threads allowed" rule. Please refrain from making favorites threads. Thank you.

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