Favorite Set


Advanced Member
My favorite modified set is Holon Phantoms. 2 Pikachu* and a Crawdawnt ex in 15 packs (Less than half of a box.)
What is your favorite?
I think we already have 2 threads about this
but, whatever: HP, 3 best ex ever, supercool pokémon and a candy-comeback.
^Holon Phantoms??! Mightyena and Mew ex are awesome but sadly, Crawsaunt isn't the best ex.

This has been posted before but Unseen Forces Why? Because every card can be used and have very good attributes and, of course, Tyranitar ex!
RE:  Favorite Set

nigafiga said:
Ex Sandstorm and Ex Dragon!
MODIFIED, he made it bold, italic and underlined.

^Holon Phantoms??! Mightyena and Mew ex are awesome but sadly, Crawsaunt isn't the best ex.
first of all favourite, second of all, they are just superpowerful, i Love that whole set especially the ex.
Oh, then.... Delta species!
But the EXs and holon trainers are not so great in DS... But nice energys and pokemon!
I love the base set it brings back memories of when it all started 10 years ago and yes we do have a coulpe of threads on favorite sets.:)
The Delta sets, EX Dragon, Hidden Legends, and Legend Maker are my fav. sets of all time. All of the sets are great in one way or another though.