FLAREON!!!!! It is a fire type so by far better than water. (even though most pepople say that because it has a type weakness water is better bu then elecktrick is better than waater and fighting is better than elecktrick and grass is better than rock and fire is better than grass so it all goes round in a circle so no-one is the best really, but until we find out we will just have to say it is fire pokemon.
BTW, whoever said that Jolteon was the only one not weak to others...Umbreon isn't weak to any of them either. Plus, he is even immune to one of the others.
now you guys have to understand... ive trained one of each [except the 4th gen] up to level 100... and the only one that can stand against Mewtwo gets my vote 100%... and that [drumroll please] is.....UMBREON!!!!!!