Favourite Member

Blargh257, first beach member I ever met in person. And still the coolest one I've ever met. No offense, Glace, Matryoshka, Infinity, Sillykyl, DNA, Meaty, and Nigel, but Blargh's the coolest.
Gistica said:
Blargh257, first beach member I ever met in person. And still the coolest one I've ever met. No offense, Glace, Matryoshka, Infinity, Sillykyl, DNA, Meaty, and Nigel, but Blargh's the coolest.

Aw thanks!

on the other hand i like meaty because he's meaty. oh and DNA because he's like THE pokebeach member. I mean, we are all members, but he's THE member. No one except WPM can compare to his work.
Oh and i guess Gistica's cool too.
blargh257 said:
Aw thanks!

on the other hand i like meaty because he's meaty. oh and DNA because he's like THE pokebeach member. I mean, we are all members, but he's THE member. No one except WPM can compare to his work.
Oh and i guess Gistica's cool too.
Lol now DNA is going to use his ninja powers on me :p
hatedisc, bacon, greenrayquaza, esperante, zenith, pmj

In that order.

Oh, and Full Moon.

Never forget.

Full Moon said:
Empoleon is an Emperor Penguin. It looks similar with its feet. They are exactly the same.

Infinity said:
i can't believe no one chose me i mean what is this



but in all seriousness

[smod] Nigel [/smod]
[member] Dark Giratina [/member]
Apollo (The WC mod I don't wanna spell his real name lol)
[member] Equinox [/member]
[member] Infinity [/member]
[member] Blah [/member]
[smod] King Arceus [/smod]
[member] Ice Arceus [/member]
If I forgots you please complain lol

And everyone else that I talk to...

(Especially [member] Zyflair [/member] <3 you :D)

Since Equinox complains and sticks his neck out for me (so does Infinity) I shall add in all my friends -_-

Also, if you don't love WPM... You best be packing your bags and heading home lol
Martini said:
(Especially [member] Zyflair [/member] <3 you :D)
That's nice of you, but...
don()shinobi said:
[22:06:18] >> Oh HELL no
[22:06:34] >> You're MINE. >:I
TheFallenOne said:
[22:06:22] >> filly please
[22:06:23] >> you're mine
Let's just say you have competition for me.
Martini said:
[smod] Nigel [/smod]
[member] Dark Giratina [/member]

And everyone else that I talk to...

(Especially [member] Zyflair [/member] <3 you :D)

I see how it is...
Zyflair is mine.
... One day. :<

I actually have also taken quite a liking in this guy~ ^^