RE: FC's Fake Card Thread - (NEW: Cresselia, Steelix, Magmar EX) donkey kong was here
PMJ said:
I like the Steelix, although since in the Advance days basic Metal didn't exist, Steelix could very well have 3 real Metals on him, which would reduce the self-damage from Head Smash to zero.
Not a fan of the Magmar ex (specifically, the blank). I get it, but not a fan.
For Cresselia, you don't need to say "whatever happens." The attack name seems off (like, it's too small?) but other than that it's pretty neat. I like the blank, too.
Steelix: That, my friend, may be a purpose to it

Magmar: dw, I hate it too.
Cresselia: Yeh, the attack font is a bit off but when it was bigger it looked too big

for the next one I'll try to find an improvise.
CMP said:
Awesome Cresselia! I like the blank!
Like PMJ said, I think the attack name is too small...should be around 26 or so when dealing with one attack. Also, for attack text, the text box should extend to the right only up to between the "e" and "t" in "retreat cost." I'd also consider making the Pokédex info around 90-92% width.
I'm planning on making a guide for font, placement, etc. soon.
I also gotta agree with PMJ on another point -- not a huge fan of the ex blank. Something about it just doesn' I can't place it, but I guess it could be the holo sections. They seem too blurry and not holo-y enough, and I don't know how I feel about the rule box being a holo, either.
Thanks for all the tips CMP. The Maggers was just to test out the capabilities more than anything, and to add something else to it's 'crap-list', the texture is awful.
Also, I have a massive new set coming up soon!
You may have seen the
DRACO 2010 teaser earlier and I hope it's got you interested

Well, I can confirm that it will be a fake card set
But this will be no ordinary set.
I have a lot of excitement to be revealed at a later date, but here's what I can say so far...
-It will not be held back by the limitations of a regular uniform set
-I'm bringing out all the guns for this one, not holding anything back

-There will be an avalanche of a shower torrent involved.
Start the speculation!
Some men interpret nine memos.