Pokemon Feelings on the 4th generation Pokemon

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The thing I don't like about the 4th gen s the Pokedex. Not all 4th gen Pokémon can be found in the Shinou pokedex. And that's dumb.
some evo,s are disapointing like´the magneton evo it is like an bad made UFO but others like porygonz are very cool I am satisfied with this generation
Noobnerd said:
The thing I don't like about the 4th gen s the Pokedex. Not all 4th gen Pokémon can be found in the Shinou pokedex. And that's dumb.
What in the world! You can't see all the pokes in the Pokedex? That's just...stupid...

I personally think the new generation is a bit different than the rest. So...yeah. Not that it's better, just...different.

Arcanine out.
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