Feraligatr (Prime), 3/9/2010

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No one even mentioned Starmie HS? I've played them together (for fun) and have had some good results. A summery of the deck list,

2-2-2 gatyr prime
4-4 starmie HS
2-2 claydol

4 dawn stadium
4 bebes
4 roseanne's
4 candies
2 Fisherman
a few things I can't think of off the top of my head

*20 water energy*

The good, using rain dance then cosmic power makes for some good draw each turn, dawn stadium heals any Starmie that aren't 1HKO, Starmie can usually 1HKO anything they're stage ones so you can pretty easily have all four out at once.

The bad, if you don't get claydol and gatyr out soon you'll get a lot of useless water energy it's a hit or miss deck but, it hits hard when it works.

As far as the meta it's not gonna win anything but, Feraligatyr can make for some fun playing. I think it'll see more play after the rotation but, what do I know. I prefer the tin art.
i think that

A.no the card is not good in any decks
B.metagame i dunno maybe
C.what combos well yeah theres some like lumineion but i still think its a bad card
D.raiting wise (*XXXX) 1 star
E.as for artwork i think all the primes artwork is really lame
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential?
Today's CotD, Feraligatr Prime, is a stage 2 Pokemon Water-type Pokemon. The card itself is not so great: despite a great Poke-Power, in a format oriented on little more than the speed of a game, Feraligatr Prime is hopelessly outclassed. Many decks nowadays play little more than 12 Energy, and those that do are the rare exception. In such a format, Feraligatr Prime requires a great many changes from a standard list, and doing so opens up incredible amounts of inconsistencies. Feraligatr's attack is also sub-par, thus disabling it from moving into the active position. Feraligatr almost always must rely on a different attacker in order to work, and as such it loses a great amount of flexibility. Overall, Feraligatr Prime is a bad card.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
Feraligatr Prime isn't really used all too often, mostly due to the reasons given above. When it is used, players prefer to use Feraligatr donk, a variant that relies on getting Energy quickly and winning on the first turn of the game; other variants used mostly rely on swarming Energy attachments onto a single Pokemon. Such Pokemon used vary, but the more popular ones are: Pelliper GE, Starmie GS, and Lumineon MT. Variants revolving around Feraligatr GS to spread the opponent's field have also been seen.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
Feraligatr Prime does semi-decent with most of the combos described above. My personal favorite revolves around Suicune/Entei LEGEND from HS - Unleashed. You put Energy on to Suicune/Entei LEGEND and snipe for 100, and then next turn the Energy returned to your hand by its attack can be attached again, thus allowing you to hit for 100 damage every single turn.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
Overall, Feraligatr Prime is a 3/5. The reliance on other attackers is much to heavy, and as an attacker it just fails. Feraligatr Prime's only decent usage is as a tech, and little more.

5. How's the artwork?
Mr. Kent Kantesuna (one of my personal favorites) excels with this card, giving it a slightly realistic yet at the same time cartoonish look, much like his other cards. While his style isn't amazingly artistic, many pieces of his, such as Feraligatr Prime, tend to shine.
hipoke said:

Not really. I didn't have computer access to post them, but this was WPM's idea, so it wasn't the real reason lol. And esperante, this is basically the replacement to CotD.

1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential?

The card is best played by its own at the moment IMO. Of course Blastoise and Floatzel can make it better, but they're not out yet. I'd say it would have more potential if it was given better support, but it's obvious it's not the case. Right now, it's far too slow.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?

Tbh, not many metagame decks with this is out there currently (and if there are some, I don't know of them). Someone at my League built Feraligatr/Luxray and some others were Feraligatr/Blastoise PL, and some thought have been into Feraligatr/Gyarados.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?

I already mentioned Blastoise and Floatzel, but currently you can put in Crobat G for extra damage. Honestly, I wouldn't bother with Blastoise PL as it's another Stage 2 Pokemon. I'd just go for broke (full out speed). Make it the fastest possible. That's the only way for this card to succeed.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).

I'd give the card a 2.5/5 stars. Honestly, it's not that good right now being slow and incompatible with the metagame. I'd give the thread a 5/5 stars, these kinds of threads have attracted a LOT of people.

5. How's the artwork?

I think the artwork is alright, but obviously the Promo artwork is much better. The tooth and the gleam in his eye is amazing.

dmaster out.
By itself this card is pretty mediocore, I mean it can become tankish but even w/ raindance a slow attacker.
Metagame decks, well I expect it to have its own metagame deck, I was thinking starmie w/ it or Blastacatty.
combos, Blastiose PT,Lumineon MT, and Starmie HGSS.
Rating- Well I somewhat like it, 5-10
I don't like the artwork much, just seems IDK distorted. I think it isn't one of the better prime artworks.
I like the tooth and the color of the card but its not like it POps out of the square thingy like lvx cards do though its still awesome!!
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential?

it's okay alone. i run two, and they do some damage. unfortunately, they're stage2, so their hard to get out. it wouldn't really be good without support.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?

all the decks i've seen it's the heavy hitter, or just for the rain dance. usually with an already formed deck they just slapped it into. at my league it's been thrown in nearly every water deck. and of course all water users have HGSS mantine for the group swim.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?

i run 3 starmie from rising rivals. aqua recycle really helps to keep the energy around.
the real fun is with spread damage guys. i run a couple of the other feraligatr from HGSS. Mamoswine GL and the kyoger and froslass from legends awaken are some other options. by the time you have to put out your prime you be doing 100+ per hit.
someone mentioned starmie HGSS. i tried it, but it's hard to get the energy back out of your deck. stick with RR.
as for the energy thing, just run the croconaw from MT. evolutionary vitality works wonders. i tend to power him up by turn 1-3. especially if your using the HGSS mantine like all water users do these days.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).

4/5 stars. i like it, but there are some pretty big counters out their; amphros prime and sceptile GE+A being the worst.


in general, i don't like Kent Kantesuna's cards (though i will say he ocasionaly hits one out of the park). i'm not a fan of the prime cards pics because of the close up high shadow, but this is one of the better ones. for some reason the hollow boarder really bugs me. i'm used to the yellow.
I give it a 4/5

I like the artwork a lot btw.

Oh and the only combo I've liked that I've seen it used with so far is a combo that my local league leader uses which is Feraligatr prime and Gyarados G. His strategy is to use Gyarados G's attack Wriggle to put bunches of damage counters on bunches of pokemon, then use feraligatr primes attack to do 60+10 for each dmg counter. It works pretty well for him. He beats almost everyone, almost everytime. So yeah
1. Feraligatr Prime is a card that can have potential, especially KOing Donphans. By itself, well, it may not be so bad.
2. Currently, there is no real metagame deck it is used in. With States around however, you may never know.
3. I would play it with Lumineon MT. Lumineon's attack does 30 for each water energy on it. Then you return the energies to your hand. This then allows you to attach {W} energies every turn with the help of Feraligatr Prime. With Expert Belt, the damage can even be increased to 50+, further meaning that you can be doing more damage thanks to this, especially with constant water energy attaching.
4. Overall 3/5 in modified. This is a very decent card indeed. It is one of the best Donphan counters out there, along with Gyarados SF. It functions both as an attacker and a tech, so it can have various uses in the current format.
5. Well, the artwork looks both awesome and somewhat scary. A headshot view of Feraligatr is pretty cool. It almost looks as if it is saying, "Hey there, I'm ready to show the power of Rain Dance!"
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential?
Honestly, the attack is horrible. The real deal is Rain Dance. It can be helpful in Starmie Donk because of Cosmic Cylcone on Starmie HGSS.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
Starmie. Feraligatr is equipped with Rain Dance. Like I said before, because of the move on Starmie HGSS.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
2.3/10. I really like Rain Dance, but that's really all it's good in. Hydro Crunch is horrible and it has a huge retreat cost. Nuff said here.

5. How's the artwork?
Decent but could be better. Nice sharp tooth :D 6/10
1. On it's own, not so good. I wouldn't use it as a base.
2. I don't think anything. Not yet, anyway.
3. Why did I say "Not yet?" Because of Lanturn Prime that's upcoming. Every turn you can add 10 more damage for each Feraligatr you have in play when you use Rain dance for them, and if you use Platinum Blastoise you can add up to 30. All the Blastoises also keep a really good energy efficient deck.
4. I give it a 4/5 overall. You can only really use it's Pokepower if you want something special. It's attack really only works if you spread (Example: Darkness Lost on Giratina, retreat next turn and use Hydro Crunch for an easy 90 damage for whoever you bring up) but that completely ruins the Power of Feraligatr, so you have to choose: Pokepower or Attack?
5. Nothing special. I like how the shine is on the tooth though. I like the Promo art of this better.
Works with Pelipper, but I still wouldn't play it. They Bright Look this guy, you start dying fast. Also Jumpluff and Speedrill just smash through this guy, as do other strong decks like Gyarados. Against LuxChomp, it won't even have a chance to set up. Against Gengar, they can just Looker your Energies and Claydols away. Not worth any hype imo.
1. On it's own, its a worthless card. Worth about $5.
2. None. Not yet, anyways. Once Unleashed comes out, it will be a very desirable card because it will be paired with Blastoise.
3. Blastoise UL.
4. 8/10 for the power, mostly, not attacks or anything beyond that.
5. Pretty cool, I like it.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential?
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5. How's the artwork?

1. It doesn't stand on its own, which is why it is in a wheelchair.
2. None.
3. I think that a HUGE stretch in a combo is which Ho-Oh legend. Set up Feraligatr, put out ho-oh, use trainers/supporters to get out energy, and boom, 100 oh-so-quickly (haha)
4. 2/5
5. Mediocre at best
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