-Artist you want to design it for you.. I dont care
-Picture or just tell me what you want and I will find the picture: Shiny Tepig
-Main Text: Feel The Fire-Power
-Subtext- Shiny Tepig
-Form of Art: Signature!

Request Form
-Artist you want to design it for you.
-Picture or just tell me what you want and I will find the picture: Luxio and
Luxray standing on a rock with ocean wave crashing behind them. Lighting.
-Main Text: Weathering the Storm
-Subtext none
-Form of Art Signature

Request Form
-Artist you want to design it for you. Either or, who ever can get it done.

-Picture or just tell me what you want and I will find the picture: Shauntal of the Elite Four from Pokemon Black and White w/ All of her Pokemon in the background. Chandelure, Golurk, Jellicent Female, Cofagrigus. (All Ken Sugimori artwork Please), with Chandelure beside her.




(liven up the color saturation on Shauntal)

-Main Text: Shauntal

-Subtext: "Eyes brimming with dark flame, this man rejected everything other than himself in order to bring about one singular justice...' That's part of a novel I'm writing. I was inspired by the challenger who was just here, and somehow I got a little sad... Excuse me. You're a challenger, right? I'm the Elite Four's Ghost-type Pokémon user, Shauntal, and I shall be your opponent."
-Form of Art Playmat and sig

And if at all possible, can the sub text be in a smaller font size above the bench? Also, can the mat look like this, in terms of where everything is placed? P1-6= Prize 1-6. DP= Discard Pile D= Deck. LZ = Lost Zone. B1-5= Bench Pokemon. A= Active. ST = Stadium. T/S= Trainer and Supporter Space. And lastly, Lvl X = Level X Space.


(Note I want B3 and the bench spaces center with the Active spot, The pic is just being annoying)

I would like it in this font please: Edwardian Script ITC and on a Purple/Black Gradient background
Gengar_is_Pwnage said:
@ Mr.Ferrari: Any news on my mat yet?

yup im all done with your mat il send it to you soon.

HypnoticLuxray said:
The thread's pretty much dead, dude. It would be wise to let this just go away.

Who are you to say that it is?
Request Form
-Artist you want to design it for you.
-Picture or just tell me what you want and I will find the picture: Luxio and
Luxray standing on a rock with ocean wave crashing behind them. Lighting.
-Main Text: Weathering the Storm
-Subtext none
-Form of Art Signature


Update on my banner please..:)