BW/BW2 Final Evolution of Starters.

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RE: Final Evoultion of starters

darksun said:
HAHA! This is definitely it! Pokabu has finaly gotten an evo. : 33

HaHa FINALLY! I was wondering where he was
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

My theories for the final evos:

Pokabu: Probably a Fire/Dark (kinda like Pokekoks's picture), fire/steel (Kinda like Pashapup's picture, but with more armor), or a fire/ground (A boar with claws and stuff)
Tsutaaja (sorry for getting a little off topic, but idk where else to post this, WHY DO THEY CALL IT TSUTARJA??? ITS TSUTAAJA!!!): Probably a grass/dragon (That Japanese mythical dragon with no visible wings, but has whiskers), grass/psychic (idk why, just sounds cool) , or grass/steel (like an armored big tsutaaja?)
Mijumaru (most likely getting this one!): A water/fighting (like a pumped up boxer, or fighter), Water/Ice (like a bigger version of itself), or Water/ground! (variation of water/fighting, except bigger, and no gear
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

This is how my Mijumaru finale evo sketch turned out! I even gave it a name! DOJOTTER! 8D

RE: Final Evoultion of starters

Mucrush said:
This is how my Mijumaru finale evo sketch turned out! I even gave it a name! DOJOTTER! 8D


It looks like it's only 2 feet XD Nice though. Congrats :)
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

NotVeryEffective said:
Tohrumaru :D

Not taking away from your artwork, but if Miju becomes a Sumo Wrestler I... I... I'm at a loss for words. ;o
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

omzebra said:
(That Japanese mythical dragon with no visible wings, but has whiskers)

I'm pretty sure those are Chinese dragons...
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

@Mucrush: That looks great! Somehow, you managed to make it look reminiscent of its Beta 2nd evo, while still adding more distinctive qualities. It's also quite clear of the animal it was inspired by, as well as its typing.

I hope Tsutaaja ends up looking more like the first fanart that was posted... The other take is a testament of Gyrados and Caterpie's many forbidden encounters.
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

Mucrush said:
This is how my Mijumaru finale evo sketch turned out! I even gave it a name! DOJOTTER! 8D


Beautiful!It looks cooler then the two others.XD
I wonder how are you going to make Pokabu s evo.
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

MagmaBuzz said:


Dual Type #1: I highly doubt it. Tsutaja will probably be Grass/Flying or just Grass, like the first one posted in this thread (hopefully).

Dual Type #2: I could see it, but I think Fire/Ground will be more likely.

Dual Type #3: This one seems to be the most likely pathway for Mimijumaru. I picture him as a lean mean fighting machine or like Chuck the epic sumo wrestler.
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

StaticPachirisu said:
How can a pig turn into a GIANT half man half bull?

Also, have you noticed that nearly everyone has the same kind of idea for a Pokabu evo?

Well Boars have tusk just like minotaurs have horns, also every final evolution of a fire starter has been known to stand up so i don't want a boar because it will be on all four legs.
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

Playerking95 said:
Well Boars have tusk just like minotaurs have horns, also every final evolution of a fire starter has been known to stand up so i don't want a boar because it will be on all four legs.

And whats so wrong about quadrupedal? Typlhsion can walk on all fours and two. What does a boar and bull have in common? Tusks and horns aren't the same tusks are long teeth and horns aren't teeth!
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

KnightEdge112 said:
And whats so wrong about quadrupedal? Typlhsion can walk on all fours and two. What does a boar and bull have in common? Tusks and horns aren't the same tusks are long teeth and horns aren't teeth!

I'm just saying typhlosion isn't meant to be a pokemon that stands on all four legs and i don't think the creators will change that now. Plus as i stated that before boars and minotaurs may not seem similar to you guys but they do to me in some weird way and finally i know tusks and horns are different.
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

Hey I know this tread may be for the FINAL evolution, but I just tried making sprites for Tsutaja and Mijumaru first evolution. The colors and, just overall design, is taken from the best designs yet xD



It isn't easy to make those weird animations just with a low-animate program called UnFREEz XD
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

Woah, that is truly awesome. :3 Did it take you the whole day or what? ;D
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

I love your sprites Mucrush, as well as the mijumaru final evo. May I name it? Aquatter

Mucrush, every time I see your avvy and siggy I like it alot. Mucrush is pretty awesome ..
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

- Darkrai - said:
I love your sprites Mucrush, as well as the mijumaru final evo. May I name it? Aquatter

Mucrush, every time I see your avvy and siggy I like it alot. Mucrush is pretty awesome ..

No offense but his name for the his final evolution is better, Dojotter.

But yes his sprites are doing great justice to the new pokemon. Can't wait to see the real ones. Hopefully we will have some new pics of them in the next Coro-coro, which if I am correct, should be revealed next week.
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

i guess when it comes down to it, it doesnt matter what the starter looks like as long as the final evo is awesome. am i right or am i right?
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

darksun said:
Woah, that is truly awesome. :3 Did it take you the whole day or what? ;D
No I think both of them took about 30 min. to do. Which would say an hour for both XD
RE: Final Evoultion of starters

ElectroKing23 said:
i guess when it comes down to it, it doesnt matter what the starter looks like as long as the final evo is awesome. am i right or am i right?

your right!!!!
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