Final 'Sword & Shield' Commercial Officially Reveals Two Pokemon

Wow, not even in a thousand years I thought they would do a Chaplin pokémon
Aw, they didn't show the one Pokemon I'm super excited for. I wanna talk about how happy it makes me but I'm not gonna spoil it for the people who want to avoid spoilers. Come friday though? I'm gonna let it all out, lol.
Pokemon has lost their creativity. What will they think of next... Mitsuhiro is probably shaking his head
Mitsuhiro Arita, the artist for the TCG? He didn’t design any of the original Pokémon. Are you thinking of Sugimori and the other couple people at GF who did them?

I’ve seen this argument get put out for every generation. Every single generation has its duds. Every gen adds some creative and fun ideas too. (believe me, this one is no different).
What about these little guys at 1:11? Have they been seen before?

Impidimp was first seen at the e3 sword and shield demo. He was also shown during that 24 hour livestream thingy they did. Can’t remember if they did an actual formal reveal of him.
Impidimp was first seen at the e3 sword and shield demo. He was also shown during that 24 hour livestream thingy they did. Can’t remember if they did an actual formal reveal of him.

Nope. Despite him being in the demo, the demo that has made it's way around the world via gaming events, they, for some reason, have never done a formal reveal for Impidimp. And now that we are less than 72 hours away from the release of the game, I guess we'll find out more about him by playing the games, which I'm actually completely fine with since despite being teased again and again, we won't know much about him until we play the games for ourselves. I only wish they kept these two hidden as well but oh well, I'll enjoy making more discoveries when I play the games myself.
I forget is there a list of which version has which Pokemon? I tried to google it, but it just shows me the pokemon in general but not which ones in which games
I forget is there a list of which version has which Pokemon? I tried to google it, but it just shows me the pokemon in general but not which ones in which games

So far, the confirmed version exclusives in Sword are:
-Farfetch'd line
-Gothita line
-Deino line
-Jangmo-o line
(it's not been confirmed, but since Vullaby/Mandibuzz are confirmed Shield exclusives it's likely that Rufflet/Braviary will be Sword exclusives)

and the Shield exclusives are:
-Ponyta line
-Larvitar line
-Solosis line
-Vullaby line
-Goomy line

A bunch of other rumoured version exclusives have been leaked, but I've been shying away from spoilers so I'm not sure on them.
So far, the confirmed version exclusives in Sword are:
-Farfetch'd line
-Gothita line
-Deino line
-Jangmo-o line
(it's not been confirmed, but since Vullaby/Mandibuzz are confirmed Shield exclusives it's likely that Rufflet/Braviary will be Sword exclusives)

and the Shield exclusives are:
-Ponyta line
-Larvitar line
-Solosis line
-Vullaby line
-Goomy line

A bunch of other rumoured version exclusives have been leaked, but I've been shying away from spoilers so I'm not sure on them.
I really wanted a Galor ponyta but couldn't get one cause I got sword