This has got to be an all-time high GX to overall submission ratio.
The thread'll be going up sometime tomorrow –– and I'm afraid you'll just have to wait. :x^Any idea on the theme for September's CaC if you don't mind me asking?
You messed up, the Rocket's Dusknoir GX was mine not jPlap'sImage-Based Results
Judge: @Jabberwock
Judge's note:
Scores are a bit lower this month than many of you may be used to getting –– largely because the quality of entries has slipped somewhat from what I've come to expect from many of you. Ik different school situations make this difficult (hell, it prolonged judging for me almost two weeks), and so the rest of the staff and I are looking at other ways we can make CaC more doable for everybody time-wise. Expect to see something about that in the next few days.
You’ve certainly gotten a solid toehold in the S/M era lately, steff. Prism Stars are kinda lesser-seen in the image-based scene than GXs, so it’s also cool to see you go for one of those. Fortunately, you’ve executed it really well –– the art and background fit well with the holosheet to make a really aesthetically pleasing card.
In terms of power and balancing, it’s actually somewhat underwhelming. You only get one of these in a deck, after all, and so one would expect it to do something really exceptional. Neither of the attacks is particularly exceptional; there are plenty of other cards that have similar (or even better) effects, and you get to play more than one of them.
Wording errors:
- On-point.
Fonts and Placement errors:
- Justify attack text. I know this is virtually impossible to do on the software you use, but it’s an error and I have to dock points for it all the same. :/ [-1 point]
Creativity/Originality: 9/15
(Nothing particularly new.)
Wording: 15/15
(Looks good!)
Fonts and Placement: 9/10
(Justify text.)
Believability/Playability: 3/5
Aesthetics: 5/5
(Art works really well with holosheet.)
Total: 41/50
Ohhey, a newer face! We’ve interacted a bit around Discord, but it’s neat to see you put in an appearance around the CaC –– and boasting such an impressive card, to boot. Rainbow GXs are hard to get right, but you’ve done pretty well here. ^.^
The way you executed it being a “Pokémon-R” is interesting –– and I do love me some SP –– but I actually reckon you could’ve gotten away without including the “R” in the name at all, by virtue of the little “Rainbow Rocket’s Pokémon” bar below the name. Plasma cards included the bar and didn’t differentiate the name, which seems a fine precedent. That being said, I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you wanted to differentiate between Dialga-GX and Dialga-R-GX, for 4-of purposes and whatnot. So no points docked here.
I spent a while trying to make sense of the balancing here –– on the one hand, you can do a significant amount of damage for just one Energy, but on the other, you’re taking 40 damage between turns, and you’re basically locked into playing a lackluster Supporter card every turn if you want the optimal effect. I think in the end, it is slightly underpowered because you can’t control the damage from Frenzy –– which is especially a problem because you wouldn’t want to have more than one in play at a time.
Nonetheless, it’s a neat effect, and earns you quite a bit in Creativity. With a bit of tweaking it could be brilliant. ^.^
Wording errors:
- “Pokémon-GX” comes before “Pokémon-EX”, according to cards like Choice Band. [-1 point]
- “this turn” -> “during this turn” [-1 point]
- In the GX attack, “put” -> “add”, and “into” -> “to”. [-2 points]
Fonts and Placement errors:
- Commanding Strike is much closer to the GX attack bar than Frenzy is to Commanding Strike. [-2 points]
- GX attack name should be italicized. [-1 point]
- The “1” in “120” should actually be its own layer, moved slightly closer to the “20” than it would be given the automatic kerning. [-0.5 point]
Creativity/Originality: 13/15
(Some exciting concepts.)
Wording: 11.5/15
(Looks good!)
Fonts and Placement: 6.5/10
(A few errors.)
Believability/Playability: 4/5
(Slightly underpowered.)
Aesthetics: 5/5
(Would like to see a holosheet, but you’ve still managed to pull off a really nice-looking rainbow GX.)
Total: 39.5/50
Hmm, it’s unusual to see a GX on anything other than S/M-era blanks –– maybe just because they’re so new –– but I’m not convinced that this particular cross-era blending particularly works. The fact that its status as a GX is only referenced on the card with regular text, as opposed to including a GX symbol, GX attack bar, etc, frankly makes it look like a Pokémon-ex. Not that I have anything against Pokémon-ex, but it’s p clearly not what you were going for. :/
I do like that you made your own art, and it’s quite a good drawing, too. I’d recommend looking at ways to digitally manipulate it so as to make it look less like traditional art (which is just about never used on cards) –– even a simple Smart Blur can work wonders in that regard. ^.^
In terms of power levels and balance, I’m always concerned when a Pokémon can place damage counters with regularity without using an attack. Being able to spread 20 damage every turn, per Dusknoir, whilst still being able to attack, is very very very good –– particularly in this era, where the highest non-ex HP was 120.
Lost Balance’s power levels (of being able to remove virtually your opponent’s entire hand, and put it in a place where they can’t get it back from) is mitigated slightly by the fact that basic [D] Energy don’t exist in this era, but I’d still be worried about it. (It’s also worth mentioning that the Lost Zone didn’t exist in this era, but I’m not docking any points for it being a GX, so I won’t dock for that either.)
Phantom’s Call is fine, actually. Given the power of the other attack and Poké-Power (and absurd HP), however, it remains a broken card.
Wording errors:
- “Pokemon” -> “Pokémon” x3 [-2 points]
- “(before your attack)” clause should be italicized. [-1 point]
- Missing apostrophe in “opponent’s”. [-0.5 point]
- “Benched” should be capitalized. [-0.5 point]
- Missing the clause that prevents you from using the Poké-Power if Dusknoir is affected by a Special Condition. [-3 points]
- As lame as it is, Pokémon cards only started using gender-neutral pronouns in the S/M bloc. So “they”, “their” -> “he or she”, “his or her”. [-2 points]
- “as you do” -> “as you have in your hand”, as per Luvdisc HL. [-2 points]
- “sent to” -> “put in” [-2 points]
- “your opponent’s Active Pokémon” -> “the Defending Pokémon,” in this era. [-2 points]
- “Knocked Out” should be capitalized. [-0.5 point]
- Missing end parenthesis for GX attack clause; whole clause should be italicized. [-1 point]
Fonts and Placement errors:
- Fonts across the entire card are off; as a general rule of thumb, most text including name, attack names, attack text, etc. is in one variant or another of Gill Sans, whilst numerals are in Futura (Heavy). [-5 points]
- Placements seem more or less eyeballed; you can try downloading an actual card scan, putting it in front of the blank and setting its opacity to 50%, and using its placements as a guide for your own. (And obviously delete it when you’re done.) [-3 points]
Creativity/Originality: 11/15
(Some interesting design space with the attack.)
Wording: 0/15
(Would recommend taking a closer look at differences in wording between eras.)
Fonts and Placement: 2/10
(Justify text.)
Believability/Playability: 1/5
(Broken for its time.)
Aesthetics: 2/5
(Props for using your own art, but there are some shoddily cut bits around the entire card that bring it down aesthetically.)
Total: 16/50
This generator of yours has definitely done noticeably better than other generators, so definite props for being able to pull that off. In brutal honesty, a generator by simple fact of being a generator is more limited in terms of versatility than programs like PS or GIMP –– but it’s nonetheless impressive what you’ve managed to do with it. I only wonder what you’d be able to do given a full image manipulation program.
In terms of aesthetics, I really like the Rocket modifications you’ve made to the blanks. One faker to another, here are my suggestions (not docking any points for these; just suggesting them as areas you could change if you feel inclined):
The border feels a bit too unsaturated. Would suggest making it more red and less grey. Ditto the “Rocket” icon in the upper-right.
The “R” in the middle of the blank should probably be a similar color to the border. You’ve got the red theme going already; the blue R is a bit jarring.
You might consider applying a slight bevel and/or gradient to the “Rocket” icon, to make it more 3D-looking. PCL was a big fan of bevels and gradients in the BWXY eras.
The card is simple and sweet, but unfortunately –– even though it’s reminiscent of other Sableye with a single boring attack –– you lose a few Creativity points for the inclusion of a basic [C] - 10. Lost Is Found is a neat concept gameplay-wise, but it violates the primary rule of the Lost Zone (that nothing can ever come back from it).
Lastly –– the picture (and CaC symbol in the bottom-right) is slightly but noticeably pixelated. Not sure if that’s a quirk of your generator or just the image you’re using.
Wording errors:
- Need to clarify that you can only take back one of your cards from the Lost Zone, and not one of your opponent’s (since it’s a shared gameplay area, like the Stadium spot). [-3 points]
- Comma after “Then”. [-0.5 point]
- “into” -> “in” [-1 point]
Fonts and Placement errors:
- The font for the name should be more condensed, and a higher font size. It should also be positioned slightly higher on the card (the “y” shouldn’t touch the bottom bar) [-2 points]
- HP placement is slightly off. [-1 point]
- “10” damage should align with attack text. [-1 point]
Creativity/Originality: 9/15
(Second attack is interesting, but points lost for effectless Claw Slap.)
Wording: 10.5/15
(Would recommend taking a closer look at differences in wording between eras.)
Fonts and Placement: 6/10
(Justify text.)
Believability/Playability: 3/5
(Points lost for unbelievable Lost Zone effect.)
Aesthetics: 3/5
(Neat blank modifications.)
Total: 31.5/50
Your holosheets are impressive as always, Nyan! The art’s a bit untraditional for a GX, but possibly justified by it being a Prism Star card –– plus, we’ve now seen Tag Team GXs to indicate that GX art doesn’t always need to be 3D-rendered. I’d also definitely downsize the text a fair bit; we aren’t seeing enough of the card as it is rn.
I’m not against combining mechanics (like GXs and Prism Stars) on principle, but you gotta think through how they work together. For example, as shown by Solgaleo and Lunala Prism Star, all Prism Stars (whether an evolved Pokémon or not) are Basic Pokémon. Therefore, a ◊ GX should be Basic. Some Believability lost for that, unfortunately.
Malicious Connections feels really unnecessary considering the only reusable attack on the card already does more than enough damage to one-shot any existing Eeveelution card. The balancing for both Bitter Ballista and Wrath of Dusk is probably fine, though.
Wording errors:
- “Evolve” shouldn’t be capitalized. [-1 point]
- “Your opponent’s active Pokémon” should actually be “the Defending Pokémon” here. [-2 points]
- “attached to” -> “from” [-1 point]
- “Active” should be capitalized in the GX attack. [-1 point]
Fonts and Placement errors:
- Energy symbols for GX attack should align with Energy symbols for regular attack. [-1 point]
- Text should be more condensed. [-2 points]
Creativity/Originality: 10/15
(Solid design but nothing overly unique.)
Wording: 10/15
(Careful with wording there.)
Fonts and Placement: 7/10
(A couple minor things.)
Believability/Playability: 4/5
(Awkward combining of mechanics.)
Aesthetics: 5/5
(On point.)
Total: 36/50
I like these blanks –– they’re an interesting update to the Classic style –– but they’re very very dark. For this card, I would definitely say to make the text white, particularly to more closely match the “R” symbol.
I can’t really give you many points in the way of Believability, as the card is basically Dark Blastoise as a Basic with slightly different numbers and a new Energy accel Ability. I’m also not convinced that the Ability isn’t overpowered even as it is –– on a Basic, any form of Energy accel is very good. 2 damage counters is probably optimal.
That said, the rest of the card is fine –– and if a bit dark, very aesthetically appealing, too. The Rocket blank mod is also nice. Props. ^.^
Wording errors:
- Seems fine.
Fonts and Placement errors:
- Your blank, your rules.
Creativity/Originality: 9/15
(It’s Dark Blastoise.)
Wording: 15/15
(Seems fine.)
Fonts and Placement: 10/10
(Your blank, your rules.)
Believability/Playability: 4/5
(I’m slightly worried about the power level of the Ability.)
Aesthetics: 4/5
(Very dark.)
Total: 42/50
3rd Place: that ivy guy’s Dialga-R-GX, with 39.5/50 points.
2nd Place: steffenka’s Rocket’s Entei ◊, with 41/50 points.
1st Place: TheR3DX’s Blastoise R, with 42/50 points.
Fixed; sorry about that. ^.^You messed up, the Rocket's Dusknoir GX was mine not jPlap's
Rocket's Alolan Persian – [D] – HP70
Stage 1 – Evolves from Rocket's Alolan Meowth
Ability: Dark Rebellion
When you play Nanu from your hand during your turn, you may attach as many [D] energy from your discard pile to your basic [D] Pokemon as you like.
[None] Attack 20+
Discard one of your evolved Pokemon in play, excluding Rocket's Alolan Persian. If you do, this attack does 90 more damage to your opponent's Pokemon.
Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: N/A
Retreat: Noneundefined