Wi-Fi Trades finneon123's my player thread Legendaries for Trade will breed all starters upon request

i don't have an electralizer. i only have Electivire. if you want an electabuzz or elekid, i will have to breed one.
I can trade you the legendary birds articuno moltres and zapdos, each given an masterball to hold, and if you like, shiny chinchou and shiny flygon for an darkrai, sheimi and arceus (only item hacks if possible)
Okay, no trading until end of January earliest. i got my battery, but it's not charging and we think it's the ds, so we are going to get a DS lite instead. btw, parton dante, if you still want to trade for Darkrai and Arceus (sorry, no Shamian), then i'm all for it at the end of January. no earlier. sorry, it's going to take a while to get a ds lite. and, they are item hacked. the pokemon themselves weren't hacked.
nope. only one with the item hacked and IT WILL BE CLONED. i don't trade off really legendary pokemon without having clones.