Fire Deck problem!


Aspiring Trainer
Ok. A friend and I both have fire decks. He has the salemence family, slugma family, and camerupt family. I have the same except for the slugma family as I don't have its evolution and he has two salemences and I have one. He beats me the majority of the time. How can I improve my deck to get mine to beat his more? His camerupts are a real killer without salemence(delta).
RE: Fire Decks

Make a faster deck than him. I'd up your Salamence δ line to 4-2-4, and drop your Camerupt line. Then add in a 3-2-3 or 2-1-2 line of Flygon δ and 4 Holon Castform. That way you can quickly charge Salamence δ to continuously blast for 100 damage.

Or you could use Salamence δ with Metagross DX. That way when you discard a Metal Energy, Metagross attaches it right back.

But I think Flymence will be better.

If you do either of these you'll most likely destroy your friend every time ;).

Arcanine out.
one thing salamence delta is not using a pure fire type attack .... if you need speed enough please don`t mix up those element ....if you do there isn`t a pure fire deck anymore .... fire is very rare in the game less people using it ... so is up to you.... beside fire pokemon is less ... give up maybe a good idea hahahaha
There is some pure Fire decks. Example:

Eruption = Magcargo(DX) and Camerupt ex
Tyranicargo = Tyranitar δ and Magcargo(DX)

BTW, Flymence don't work well. Tried that. IT may be fast at first but after a while you'll have problem with energies. I suggest Salagross = Salamence δ and Metagross(DX). It's better and there's less problems with energies.
maybe you can post your deck list in deck garage and let members here help you. Besides that, maybe you can get some pokemon that can supply extra energy such as flygon so that your pokemon can do max damage in short turn.