First Card?

I got my first cards when I bought a Pokémon World magazine (Portuguese) that came with a Jungle Booster pack and the rare was a holo Wigglytuff.
Okay, this is an awesome thread! Okay, so, my first pokemon card was Jungle Pikachu or Base Set Charmander. I can't remember which one I grabbed first lol. xP

I got them both at boy scouts. One day, a fellow cub brought in a shoe box of Pokemon cards to give to the other cubs and I was like "cool, I think I'll grab some cards." So I grabbed those and I have them in special places in my collection. Now that I think about it, I should have searched from some holos. xP
Mine was Dewgong from Jungle (or Base or Fossil; I forget). I got about 50 at once and that was the first I picked up.
The first Pokemon cards I ever got was a base set pack, and the only card I can remember from it was Arcanine.
I've had base set cards since they first came out, but they were my brother's though.

What I'VE picked up was a Deoxys EX (Defense Form) from the pack EX Deoxys. Lucky I got that out of my first pack. :)
mariomaniac said:
Charizard 1st ed from base set. Forget where I found it.

Like wise.....but unlimited....I got it from my very 1st booster also (my friends got Dugtrio & Raichu).
Neo Genesis Pichu. One of my old babysitters gave it to me. :) I also got Jungle Persian and some really old Butterfree.

I still have those 3 cards, and they're in the front of my binder.
my first pack was from Dragon Frontiers, and i pulled a Tyranitar EX. of course, back then, i had no idea what it was worth, so when i went my first Pre-release, GE, I traded it to a master, who gave me a beat up illegal Kingdra. I discovered that i was ripped off about six months later, when i started becoming very competitive, and that EX pokemon weren't just weird names :p.
Base Set Charmander back in 1999. Never played the TCG at the time tho. i was about 7-8 years old. A friend gave it to me and said Charmander was really cool! :p
It was Gyarados Base Set I think. Yep, cause my brother tried to take it from me. =3​
My first card was a Staryu from base set. Some kid in my 4th grade class gave it to me with a water energy to get me started in TCG.