My first card ever was a Zigzagoon, although I don't remember what set. I was 5 or 6 and living with my grandparents, right after my parents died. The son of my league-leader-to-be gave me a small stack of cards. I convinced my grandma to take me to the local Alco to buy me some cards. I got the starter deck from the base set, and used my small earnings throughout the years to slowly collect more and more. (I really didn't have anything to spend it on, so I'd save for a long time then spend most of it at once.) I never even knew there was an actual game with them, but I'd try to make it a game with my sisters, who quit early in the EX series. We'd try to figure out rules of our own and such but our games nevver really worked. We thought we had it figured out once, but we were using the attack costs minus the retreat costs to see if something was KO'd. We had the prize system down fine, where a KO=a prize. They quit once they figured out I just made up the rules and tried to make it fair. Once I finally could read the instructions and found out how to really play, though, they wouldn't play with me! Oh, the fun times... the fun times of childhood....