First Diancie Cards, New Xerneas and Yveltal Promos Revealed! [7/3]

Wow these cards look freak-en awesome. I like the art on these cards. Too bad I can't read Japanese because I want to see the English movesets.:)
Looks like the Xerneas and Yveltal might be takeoffs on the Plasma Freeze Zekrom and Reshiram. (Similar numbers and energy costs).
xxashxx said:
Too bad I can't read Japanese because I want to see the English movesets.

My japanese is bad, too. What I can read is following:
[Y] きらめく (Kirameku); due to dictionary, it seems to be either Spark(le) or Gleam (maybe Dazzling Gleam in english?) Effect is to small; maybe confusion, sounds logic.
[Y][Y][C] ダイヤストーム (Diamond Storm) 60 damage. Again, the effect is too small.

[Y][C][C] オーロラビーム (Aurora Beam) 50 damage (and maybe paralysis?)
[Y][Y][C][C] ??? (can't read; too blurry) 80+ damage

[D][C][C] エアクラッシュ (Air Crush) 50 damage
[D][D][C][C] はがい の つばさ (something with wings) 80+ damage

The effects are too small in all cases.
Could it be? That Xerneas and Yveltal almost seem to have artwork that isn't 5ban graphics. If so, I'm rejoicing!
Xerneas and Yveltal likely suck. They seem to be practically identical to Plasma Freeze Reshiram/Zekrom. (Well, I don't know what specifically they're looking for, but if you look hard enough, PRETTY sure it is +40 like Fusion Bolt/Fusion Flare.) I don't have high hopes for Diancie either. Unless its first attack is amazing (which I doubt), it will be useless.
I think it's odd that we have the first glimpse of Diancie's cards (two of the actually) but we have no Zygarde card unless it shows up in Phantom Gate. I wonder when, or if in all reality, we'll get these cards here. I mean, we haven't gotten the fairy Dedenne that Japan got when X/Y collections showed up and so far I'm only assuming we'll get the fighting type Pangoro that Japan got with their Rising Fist set.
Generally speaking do these movie promos usually end up in our English sets, or are they destined to be JP only forever?
Autobot Tesla said:
NotSeen said:
[D][D][C][C] はがい の つばさ (something with wings) 80+ damage

The effects are too small in all cases.

Hakai no tsubasa is Destruction Wing.

So basically, the attack name is Oblivion Wing :3
I would try and help myself, but the text on that Xerneas is so dang blurry...
Scorched Feathers said:
Autobot Tesla said:
Hakai no tsubasa is Destruction Wing.

So basically, the attack name is Oblivion Wing :3
I would try and help myself, but the text on that Xerneas is so dang blurry...

Not sure it's Oblivion Wing since the Japanese name is デスウイング, or Death Wing. This is Hiragana so they might keep it Destruction Wing. I might be wrong though, perhaps the TCG does it differently sometimes.

Also, I'm not too certain that's Aurora Beam on Xerneas since Aurora Beam is オーロラビーム, and that is more like オーロラゾイン. Not sure on the third last Katakana. Thought I don't have a clue what ゾイン would be with either "so" or "zo". Zone? I dunno.

I tried looking at Xerneas' second attack and I can't make left or right of it besides a few characters.
Autobot Tesla said:
Scorched Feathers said:
So basically, the attack name is Oblivion Wing :3
I would try and help myself, but the text on that Xerneas is so dang blurry...

Not sure it's Oblivion Wing since the Japanese name is デスウイング, or Death Wing. This is Hiragana so they might keep it Destruction Wing. I might be wrong though, perhaps the TCG does it differently sometimes.

Also, I'm not too certain that's Aurora Beam on Xerneas since Aurora Beam is オーロラビーム, and that is more like オーロラゾイン. Not sure on the third last Katakana. Thought I don't have a clue what ゾイン would be with either "so" or "zo". Zone? I dunno.

I tried looking at Xerneas' second attack and I can't make left or right of it besides a few characters.

Huh, I guess that's true. I think it may be translated as Wings of Destruction or something, but I'm not entirely sure.
I think better quality images may be in order to translate it :p
Definitely gonna need higher quality images of those! I'm going to be ordering that special Pokémon Centre Diancie pack, so if it hasn't been done by then I'll scan it!
NotSeen said:
xxashxx said:
Too bad I can't read Japanese because I want to see the English movesets.

My japanese is bad, too. What I can read is following:
[Y] きらめく (Kirameku); due to dictionary, it seems to be either Spark(le) or Gleam (maybe Dazzling Gleam in english?) Effect is to small; maybe confusion, sounds logic.
[Y][Y][C] ダイヤストーム (Diamond Storm) 60 damage. Again, the effect is too small.

[Y][C][C] オーロラビーム (Aurora Beam) 50 damage (and maybe paralysis?)
[Y][Y][C][C] ??? (can't read; too blurry) 80+ damage

[D][C][C] エアクラッシュ (Air Crush) 50 damage
[D][D][C][C] はがい の つばさ (something with wings) 80+ damage

The effects are too small in all cases.

My Japanese is worse that yours. I can't read a single Japanese description even the actual symbol of the letters. Anyway a little bit is better than nothing. Looks like they will be good cards anyway.:)
I don't think we got too many movie cards, but to be fair most of those were half deck featuring owner or location Pokemon that didn't have to worry about stage evolutions, which Wizards tried to avoid. When Nintendo took over that problem didn't necessarily exist, as evidenced by the SP era. None the less we still didn't get too much from there. The tenth set (released with their Rise of Darkrai) had eleven cards but we only got the Darkrai with the enimga berry, the rest being 'location' Pokemon. The eleventh set (released with their Giratina and the Sky Warrior) had a few cards that were made English those being; Regigigas, Magnezone, and Dialga (it irks me a bit that we never got the rest of them). The last one (released with their Arceus and the Jewel of Life) we never got but they were all owner Pokemon.

By contrast these ones, as far as we can tell, aren't owner/location Pokemon so we may see them in a set or something. Backing Diancie is that these are currently the only known cards for this Pokemon.
Where are we able to purchase one of the diancie promo packs? I didn't see it on AmiAmi which is where I usually order my Japanese Pokemon items /:
You're early, the front page annoucment on it said July 19th, which is when I assume Diancie is being shown in Japan.

Sites might have it a little sooner than that, but it's only the 5th, I'd say give it another week.
Pikachu6319 said:
You're early, the front page annoucment on it said July 19th, which is when I assume Diancie is being shown in Japan.

Sites might have it a little sooner than that, but it's only the 5th, I'd say give it another week.

I know, I guess a better question would have been where can I pre-order it. Sorry about that >.< Because I've got the Xerneas and Yveltal Movie Packs pre-ordered, so I was just wondering if anyone found them up for pre-order somewhere :p
CuriousCleffa said:
I know, I guess a better question would have been where can I pre-order it. Sorry about that >.< Because I've got the Xerneas and Yveltal Movie Packs pre-ordered, so I was just wondering if anyone found them up for pre-order somewhere :p

Where did you pre-order the Xerneas and Yveltal Movie Packs? I need them in my life but I can't find anywhere online.. >o>