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Aspiring Trainer
Hello there. I was thinking about how we began to get so experienced in TCG. Anyone, can you write your story about how you began playing TCG and your first cards... etc?
actually i began playing TCG in a funny way because when i was shopping in a shopping complex, i saw the first ever pokemon deck which is the starter deck. Then i got so excited, i bought the deck straight away without even knowing what is pokemon... :p
lol, fy First Card was in my Booster. Jungle was rthe Bosster, what i remm=ember from what i Got:

1 Clefable HOLO!
1 PokéBall
Crap =P

Anyway, i traded the Clefable for a Poké Ball, i'm glad it was my Sis. i have it back now =D
My first cards were Meowth, Eevee, and Squirtle... All fromthe base set... or was it Jungle... Either way, my first rare was a Ninetails... I collected, then a few years ago, me and my friend were bored, so I said, "Wanna go look at our old Pokemon cards?" so we did, and then we both made decks, and we battled. Then, we found a tournament close to use, we went there and have been going ever since.
Wow there are some good stories here! Anyway, My first card was... Squirtle from Base Set! Dare not hate me now, but I got him by.... I stole him from my friend! Seriously! first card was a Fossil Slowpoke! I traded a Tootsie Roll for it! Yahoo! After that, I got a deck for my birthday....a Brushfire deck. Learn more about it in my bio.
My first cards were from a single pack of Base set. The only thing I can remember about the pack was it contained a Porygon, Lass, and Holo Gyrados (I still have the Gyrados too!).
my story is pretty simple. After years of Collecting/Trading with friends, i found on the Internet, a Tutural about how you play PTCG. So after, i played with my old cards, and then i buyed a Starter deck. Then i played a Pre, and i then new what HL-on was, as i were playing RS-on.
well, the truth is that, i also had Gyarados as one of my first cards, (also main attacker in my deck, had 3 of them! - later on...). Now that card (lets face it now) is really damn good for Base Set! Really! 50 damage for 3 water energies, now thats good when it's among sucky other cards!
OMG, a Pokémon movie... Wow, free promo packs, wow, a dragonite, I'm so happy :)
OMG, they have boosters in this store *asks mommy for one of them Dutch Jungle packs*, wow, nice, vileplume :)

And that's the short story of how my PTCG story started, if you want to buy my book "I, Mew freak", then, well, you can't, cause I just made this up, but I do have a very interesting life story... ... ... ... ... ... Ok, I don't, but I will have... ... ... ... ... LEAVE ME ALONE! :(
My TCG journey began one day when i was at kindergarten, and my friend said to me " Do you like pikachu?"

I thought he was crazy. i asked him what it was and he told me all about pokemon. I really liked it, and a few months later, My dad got me a pack, it had Chansey and kakuna and then some other veru awful cards. i remember getting squirtle. I was only 4 then and din't understand how to play properly so me and my friends made up some silly little game with them. ON my fifth birthday, my mum and dad bought me two decks, blackout and brushfire so i could play the game. I didn't understand all the rules and found the maths hard, but in a few weeks I was a pokemon master. After that i don't really remember what happend, but I remeber getting BLain's charmeleon and dark charizard. By the time I was six, i had nearly five hundred cards! Five or six years on (now) I have over 3000 and 4 ex's. I remeber my VERY first card was chansey. Quite a good journey, over 7 years, wow.
I heard about Pokemon when it first started up in the UK. Back then, it was only on Sky One, a channel which I didn't have. Eventually, it came on a channel I had (ITV), watched the first episode and loved it. After that (I can't remember when), I got a random comic which had the first episode in it. They was also an advertisment about Pokemon related products. The one that caught my eye was the Trading Card Game. Not too long after that, I got the Starter Deck (once again, I can't remember when), the first Pokemon Cards I had seen. I ended up playing against my dad and my brother. The first booster I got had rubbish, but the card that caught my eye was the Beedrill, which, at the time, I thought was great. Same I didn't understand all of the rules or maths. Good times though.
i got into pokemon tcg basically because everyone else was into it. i already had seen the cartoon and i loved it so i thought , why not get the cards . everyone had them in my school including my friends so i felt left out. i just had to have some so i started asking people to let me have some. i dont really remeber what my first card was but im almost sure it was a squirtle from base set and i think i got i from one of my friends . when it comes to my first booster though , i pulled a rare snorlax from jungle and my first holo was from my second booster which was a kangaskhan from jungle.
Trying to be individual to everyone else, I usually stay away from fads. Anyway, my first "Pokémon" card was a large collection of fakes that had ridiculous pictures, energy costs, weaknesses, resistances, and damage. But officially, my first card(s) was the Zap! deck.
i got like 10-20 holos from my older brother when he was playing it, he is 12 years ahead of me
those cards were japanese,
i think it was the complete set of holos in base 1
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