First Game You've Played?

TofU said:
The first game I ever played was the original Crash Bandicoot. <3

Yeah Crash Bandicoot ftw. Same story here we got a PS1 and Crash Bandicoot to go with it. I still find myself going back to this game and the second title in the game series.
Putt Putt Saves the Zoo.

Awesome game. I could never complete it. Now, and I can do it in ten minutes.
Pokemon Crystal. One of my favorite Pokemon games and one of the best games of all time.

dmaster out.
It was either Punch-Out or Super Mario Bros.(the old ones, not the remakes). I had them both as soon as I was born, so I can't really tell.
Mine was Pokemon Yellow.

I remember how I didn't know how to save so I was really angry at the game because I had to keep starting over. XD
The first game I ever played was donkey kong on the sega I was four at the time ::sighs:: such a wonderful time
The first game I played was Hide and Seek :p

Just Kidding. It was actually Virtua Cop. I wonder if anyone even knows that ancient game. :O
Pokemon Gold!!! :D later i bought the 1st serie... but Gold was my first (or a mario game, I don't know anymore)
First Played: Ocerina of Time at four
First Owned: Pokemon Gold at five
(I thought the stairs in that game were window blinds and couldn't figure out how to get out of the first room)
My first game that I played was probably one of my Nintendo 64 games. But
my Nintendo 64 is gone I have no idea broke so and so did my games
but I'm pretty sure it was a Mario game.