BW/BW2 First Impression

Frozen Eternity said:
Is it me or is that the new Pokemon designs for BW are getting from bad to worse? Discuss.

what pokemon do you not like? personally wargle the starters shimama desukan the dude with an ax mouth the drill moles and meguroko all have permision to go ftw. i love most of the designs. those that i havent gotten use to (hihidaruma and munna) make sense with their "strange" designs.
Generation I: AWESOME!
Generation II: AWESOME!
Generation IV: Uh...meh.
Generation V: Did Japan face a nuclear incendent that killed all of the awesome makers of Pokemon?
Thus, making them get the uncreative freaks do all the work?

That is my opinoin. Feel free to put that in your bio or something...
I'm undecided about Generation 5.... I hate the Gear one but then I love Wargle. Honestly he is the coolest pokemon I have ever seen. I hate the swan, and the fire pig, but love Mijumarru. So... it's okay. And I liked genrations 1,2, and 4. I'm not a huge fan generation 3. But not Mudkip. I mean who doesn't LIEK MUDKIPZ?!
Some of the designs of the Pokemon are cool like charidude said Wargle (one of the best looking Pokemon). I don't hate Gear that much, the design to me looks cool. There are other Pokemon that people don't seem to like and it takes a while to actually get used to the design and all. After watching them in the anime and the games then people will start getting used to them and some will start liking them. I think that the artists could've done better designs for the 5th generation.
i could have done better with some of these guys. i just dont understand why the non legend version exclusives look so ugly. goth chick should have been dark and look more like marley. the hair is weird too.
the oher dude looks like someone ate a salad then threw up. i dont hate either but they just arent that well designed. simplistic designs like kanto and complex designs like hoenn/sinnoh were bothe fine.
finished ranting

i could have done better with some of these guys. i just dont understand why the non legend version exclusives look so ugly. goth chick should have been dark and look more like marley. the hair is weird too.
the oher dude looks like someone ate a salad then threw up. i dont hate either but they just arent that well designed. simplistic designs like kanto and complex designs like hoenn/sinnoh were bothe fine.
finished ranting
*sigh* There isnt anything wrong with the new pokemon. They are fine. I mean, after creating hundreds of pokemon, wouldnt you start having difficulties thinking of Pokemon??? They look good enough, except Gear. Does it even evolve??? And why does Gear always remind me of magneton? -_-
People. You just haven't gotten used to them yet. You will grow on them, trust me. I dislike Ludicolo once it was revealed, but now its one of my favs!
I really like kirikizan, gocheruzeru, warubairu, pendorra, and jaroda. Mirohoggu, the ice cream chain, and the ice-dragon legendary suck, though.
I'll keep this open for further discussion. Also, moved to B & W.
Frozen Eternity said:
Is it me or is that the new Pokemon designs for BW are getting from bad to worse?

It's you.

The reason why it seems to you like it's getting "from bad to worse" is because there happens to be a bunch of stuff that you personally dislike (which is totally fine because we all have our own likes and dislikes). That doesn't imply there is a problem with the art direction (it's not Gamefreak's obligation to satisfy a perfect 100% in the market. That kind of 100% is unheard of in the industry)
I have to say, that after owning the game and beating it, I love the new designs. So much in fact, that it's my favorite pair of games in the series so far. As well as the Pokemon being my overall favorites as well. And after I beat Black, I played SoulSilver a little bit. After going through a region with no old Pokemon, I find it hard to like any of the older ones as much as I used to(minus personal favorites). The new Pokemon are so spontaneous and creative.

One thing I find annoying about nostalgia freaks is, they don't know the real meaning of the word "creative". They seem to get that word mixed up the word "weird" or the phrase "out of the ordinary". And they just don't want to admit the fact that these new games, based off of story, graphics, and replay value, are better then the old ones. But, I suppose if they want to continue to play an outdated and poorly programmed(even for it's time) game(AKA, Red, Blue, and Yellow), I see no reason to stop them.

But what REALLY boggles my mind, are the people who won't buy Black or White just because of the new Pokes. I mean, hello, you can STILL use all of the old ones(only difference is, they look better and have nice animations and more attacks), no one is stopping you.
The Gen V Pokemon, IMO, are the best designed Pokemon. Those of you who say "they've run out of ideas so they're re-using old ones", the whole point of this gen is that it is a fresh start, not caring about re-using animals. Anyway, I prefer the replacements. Buffalon > Tauros.

And, while there are only purists who say this, there is no WAY that previous pokemon are more creative than this gen's. Fair enough if you prefer the designs, but Gen I's pokemon are incredibly uncreative. They are plain, simplistic and well designed, but most of them aren't creative. I don't even have to give examples because I'd be here all day.

P.S. Musharna FTW!

P.P.S Gen IV has a lot of haters :p
Its really weird that people, when they just saw the new ones, just said, I hate Munna, I love Wargle. Its so weird why they expect that every Pokemon is something that they love? Just because, like Munna, has a little weird design, they just say "I HATE IT!" :b

But oh well, I love every of the new Pokemon 8D
And Baokki is the best. Really people. I'm not sure why so many decided to hate them. I've got back into Gen IV, recently, having reset my Platinum, and actually, it's a massive difference between styles. I've noticed that, and some people really dislike change.
After playing the game for some time, they grew on me and now I kinda like them all... I still prefer Gen IV, but they don't look so bad anymore...
Gen V has some of the best pokemon i've seen since the first gen. Well balanced throughout. My only problem being the amount of legendarys. It seems to be the trend of the pokemon games. but besides that its all good :)
If you actually take the time to get used to them, you can see that all of the designs are perfect. Even some of the designs I was initially wary about turned out to be better than I thought. Trying a bunch of new concepts while retouching old concepts really helped the 5th Gen alot, as well as choosing to design 156 new Pokemon instead of the average 100 new ones.