BW/BW2 First Impression

Some of the designs might take time to get used to since they might not fit people's likings. There were some Pokemon that took time for me to get used to since I wasn't too impressed with some of the designs, but now I have gotten used to them after seeing them more in battle. Since more Pokemon were revealed I actually liked most of the designs. I don't really think that the designs are getting worse. I understand that it would be hard trying to think of hundred of designs for a whole new generation of Pokemon since you already thought of the previous 493 designs for the Pokemon. So I am quite happy with most of the designs for the 5th generation. Some designs might take time get used to.
There are a few of the designs that will take me some time to get used to (yes, I'm looking at you, garbage man), but I've come to like most of the new monsters, such as Doryuuzu, Warubiaru, Zeburaika, Hahakurimo, Doredia, Zuruggu, Darumakka, Desukan, the fossils, Zoroark, Rankurusu, and Wargle.

When I first saw about half of these, I hated them >_>
You all know some pokemon are supposed to be really gimiky (icecream) and others really butt ugly (trashcan abomination).
I wont go into another one of my whole see the legends rant but just try it out.
What pokemon do you all hate?
Only ones i dont like to much is the trash bag, but thats still better then half of last gen. When you see wargle, kojondo, gorrugo, shibirudon, onokosuo, yannaki, kirikizan, aakeosu, gochiremu and murrando, i know you guys cant hate em. Dont lie, dont deny, or ill set my shandera on you.
Also extreme pokemon fan: Callyourself a fan? A pokemon is a living thing you can battle with and stick inside of your pokeball. Nothing more, nothing less. If pokemon looked to similar, everyone would spam eww sinnoh 2.0!!!!
My first impression was awesome!!!!!!! Except the final starters who i came to like more.
frostwind said:
i know you guys cant hate em

Eh, please don't generalise. People are free to like or dislike whatever they want. There is nothing in this world that is so immaculate that it is impossible to hate it. From your list alone, I can already pick a few that I personally hate (gorrugu, kirikizan)...

IMO there's nothing wrong with hating a design, provided you come to terms with it and accept it as it is (rather than say, whining about gamefreak's art direction or whatever).
I know, and i wont try to change your opinions, cuz id hate it if someone tried to change mine. Just saying that me, and some others like some pokemon now that we know why they look the same.
Just trying to get what pokemon people hate and why. Speaking of which, whats wrong with gorog and kirikizan? Gorog is a flying ancient aztec/atlantis warrior with a strange energy sphere that can easily go crazy. Ofcourse, all of those things appeal to me.
Hell yea this is the umpteenth time I'm seeing someone creating a hate-Gen5-Pokemon thread YET again.


Pokemon =/= Gen 1, Pokemon = Gen1+2+3+4+5.

(And yeah the original art for Gen 1 was modified into what it truly looks like today. I saw how they looked in the past, and seriously they looked bad. Especially the Red/Blue sprites, cmon they looked nothing like the original artwork we see today. Take Moltres for example, look at its Gen 1 sprite. Seriously, if you compared that to what you see in its current form, you'll go WTFISTHAT at the Gen 1.)

And if you're going around saying OMG this isn't Pokemon using your "Pokemon=Magnemite/Doduo/Muk/Voltorb/Dugtrio" theory-fantasies, so be it.

PS: Ugly trashbags ARE meant to be ugly for a reason. And they're evidently more sophisticated than a pile of sludge *coughs*
The Gen-V pokemons are not THAT bad. You just haven't adapt with them, especially when their name is still in Japanese.
I felt the same for Sinnoh pokemons last time.
frostwind said:
Just trying to get what pokemon people hate and why. Speaking of which, whats wrong with gorog and kirikizan? Gorog is a flying ancient aztec/atlantis warrior with a strange energy sphere that can easily go crazy. Ofcourse, all of those things appeal to me.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with them. My dislike is primarily attributed to personal tastes. I've always preferred pokemon whose designs are more rooted in animals or other creatures. As far as I can recall, there have only been a few pokemon not in this category which I can safely say I like in terms of design (probably 1 or 2 ghost pokemon, Deoxys, etc). Most of the others I'm either indifferent about (eg. Gardevoir, Bronzong, Unown), or dislike (eg. Claydol, Electrode). My opinions on design are also pretty rigid, meaning if there's a design I dislike, I'd probably still dislike it just as much 3 generations later after it has new sugimori art or whatever. Some people strangely hate something (and are very vocal about it too) but over time they like it... a rather strange and quite ironic development.

dividePower said:
And yeah the original art for Gen 1 was modified into what it truly looks like today.

Yeah those certainly were the days, lol.

Still recall Exeggutor's sprite... ugh. :p

Even the sugimori art was kind of mediocre.
Seeing them in the anime definitely helps. I LOATHED Pokabu before, but after seeing in in the anime, I think it's adorable. But I still hate the rest of its line, so I will not be choosing it for the games.
When I saw Zoroark's preview, I was excited beyond belief yet so curious. Then I saw the official art....
When I saw the Isshu Starter's preview, I was rather mixed about them at first because some of them appearing "odd". Then I saw the official art in CoroCoro and was originally disappointed that the Fire Starter was a pig (Boy once I saw Enbuoh's leak, everything changed forever.....).
For Reshiram and Zekrom, I had no idea what to expect them as at first. I was clueless as to what they might look like. Then one fateful day, the White Yang and Black Yin Pokemon were revealed worldwide for all to see.... I just stared..... In absolute amazement that they have outdone Dialga and Palkia like that... Though I am somewhat mixed about the fact they aren't Psychic/Steel and Dark/Steel, atleast their real typings of Dragon/Fire and Dragon/Electric make sense compared to their colorations and designs.
Everyother Pokemon I'm pretty much approving of to higher regards than the Sinnoh Pokemon.
Though I am disappointed as to Zoroark, Reshiram, and Zekrom's base stats. Zoroark should have higher Speed and Reshi and Zek shoud've had BST's of 720 (Same goes for Genosect. Team Plasma wanted to create the most powerful Pokemon ever yet it has only the 4th highest BST for a legendary [Tied with many more intimidating threats and surpasses by Kyurem's 660, 7 other's 680, and Arceus's 720]).
People's views are susceptible to change. For example, at first, to me, Daikenki was an abomination, but I grew to love it as time went on. Now I feel that the Sugimori art epitomises the quality of this Pokémon.

Futhermore, there is no law whatsoever that you cannot change opinions. What I cannot stand is people who refuse to see the merits of the opinions of others, and brashly declare theirs, right or wrong, to be the best. XieRH, I find nothing ironic in changing your views.

Finally, moving onto a different topic, there's something else to consider, in the story each Pokemon tells. While some are obvious (Ratatta, cough cough), others contain a story that enhances their character. For example, Farfetch'd, a Pokémon that otherwise I am less than fond of, comes from an old Japanese proverb. This gives the Pokémon another individual aspect, which for me is another part of the fun. Sometimes, the tale behind a Pokémon can be just as interesting as its aesthetics.
It is funny looking at how people refuse to accept a pokemons design when they come out, then love em later (mostly because i idid too).
Now people seem to love most pokemon. Of course, the main problem was saving the best for last, and leaving the best for last.
People always forget that the first pkemon are usually the cutesy ones that havent got the chance to evolve and look amazing.
I thought it would never happen, but I've actually come to accept Chaoboo. It's pretty cute, I love its little toothies~ and its puffy tail is just the icing on the cute cake. :B Sure there's the fact that its typing is EXTREMELY repetitive and overdone, and that it's bipedal, but it's still cute. :3 But in all honesty, Enubouh (not sure how you spell it) is like, the 2nd worst final evolution of a starter Pokemon I've seen so far (after Torterra...ugh).

Maybe I'll stop hating it as much as I do now, but I'm definitely not going to evolve my Chaoboo into it. I just hate how tiny its head is compared to its body, I hate its bulky looking arms, its extremely wide mouth... bleh. No offense to the Enuboo (is that right? xD) fans, but I just reeeally hate its design. :x
i never really saw anything wrong with the starters evos except the fact i couldn't see enbuohs face but now that i have its pretty ok as for the other pokemon this gen their pretty good sure there are some that look odd or stupid but u get that every gen this gen is probably the best imo because ive got everything i wanted bug legend,anteater,and a hydra.still didn't get my koala though -_-
I just didnt really like the designs.
Everyone was ezpecting a huge ba boar, not another fir/fgt wrestler pig.
Also im sad mijumaru didnt become part fighting. Seemed more fighting type then pokabu. I still got my katana weilding sea otter so im fine, and the second evolution is my favorite. First time i liked the second ev the most.
All of the new pokemon made a pretty good first impression on me. At first I downright hated some at first, but now I'm getting more and more used to them. I especielly like Kyurem and Janovy.
You say Gen 5 sucks?

Oh ok. Grimers, Muks (piles of sludge), Magnemites (magnets), Magnetons (magnet x3), Digletts (lolwut a mole?), Dugtrios (lolwutmole x3), Jynxes (...), Dittos (erm), Gastlys (balls of gas?), Voltorbs (epic pokeball ripoff), Electrodes (ripoff upsized), Exeggcutes (eggs), Koffings (what), Starmies (2 staryus painted purple), Jigglypuffs (balloons) ROCK.

Well, not saying that these peeps suck or what. Some of them are good, but they're based on things as ridiculous as the stuff which the new Pokemon are based on.

You may go screaming OMG GARBAGE BAGS, GEARS, ICE CREAM FLOATS. But well. That's Gamefreak for you. They've been coming up with weird ideas since the beginning of time. Piles of sludge, magnets of assorted quantities, worm-moles (idunnowhat) of varying numbers, weird humanoid whatevers, balls of gas, POKEBALLS, EGGS, THE ALPHABET, the wtf Wobbuffetthing, ROCKS. Not forgetting gods/religious concepts. That's Pokemon.

And stop saying that Gen 5's Pokemon are "ugly" compared to those in Gen 1, so Gen 5 sucks. PLEASE. Pokemon IS NOT based on your bloody Gen 1, and Gen 1 Pokemon DO NOT define what's Pokemon. Pokemon IS the whole series, not your bloody Kanto.

Stop being so nostalgic and keep saying that Gen 1's the best Gen 1's the best and create Hate - Gen 5 threads here. If you really hate Gen 5 that much well go hug your Pokemon Red cartridge and hide in some corner.

But of course everyone's entitled to their own views.

For me the later Gen Pokemon were better. Why? Cos I started out only in Gen 3. And I liked Hoenn (Sapphire and Emerald) hell lot more than Kanto (FireRed). I just feel that Kanto and its peeps are just too bland as compared to Hoenn's. Kanto's Pokemon were treading on the safe side too much. Much of its evolutions were merely upsized versions of what their lil predecessors had, and to me were too similar in terms of traits and designs as compared among each other in one evolution family.

For the later Gen Pokemon, they had more drastic changes. Not all were pleasing to the eye, but it was much more freshened with the more daring and different designs. And they were recognizable to be of that certain species in the real world.

Not like when I was going LOLMAO when I found out that Cyndaquil and Pikachu were based on mice. And Gen 1's humanoids were too much in number for me. They looked kind of disturbing when I first played FireRed 6 years ago as a lil' kid. Alakazam, Mr Mime, Hypno, Jynx, Magmar, Machamp. And I certainly did not realise that Mew and Mewtwo were based on felines.

I LOVE GEN 5 POKEMON. (Y) They're more based on more abstract concepts of Yin Yang, deities, Man VS nature as compared to what the earlier generations (1 and 2) offered.