This. I see no positives in all of this nonsense, as a collector with a limited amount of money to spend on cards. HR's just seems utterly pointless. They only exist because people go crazy over ultra rares, soooo... let's include even more because "More money, please." (I personally think HR stands for Hidden Rare, though I suppose that's not much different from Secret Rare. But then again, HR's barely seem much different from the regular full arts, so I suppose it's fitting.) Unless GX's are like Primes, taking the place of the reverse and having about 5 in a booster box, and full arts becoming more common--which, given TPCi's track record with ultra rares since Next Destinies, that won't happen--I guess I'll just get my usual one booster box of this set in English and forever give up on the thought of ever completing this set.
All of this too. And I was going to say the exact same thing about there most likely being a SR Metal Energy in Collection Sun, given that the Psychic Energy is #73, right after the FA Switch. (It would be odd starting with Psychic Energy if the set contained all or even "half" of the energies.)
Putting aside the stupidly asinine amount of ultra rares, the rest of the set looks nice and interesting. And I absolutely must have that Lillie full art; the artwork is gorgeous. Very pleased with the artwork on Team Skull Grunt, as well. And, aesthetically, I prefer how secret rare Item/Tool cards look in BW and XY much more than these full art Items. These just look empty. Like there's art on this entire card, and it's all shiny and supposed to be impressive and whatnot, but then there's a small blurb on it for the effect of the card, like they almost forgot. "Oh! Right! It does something too, I guess. Better add that text."