FA Ninja Boy & Olympia please! 
Do you really want a 50$ shaymin to still be in the format?Noooo. Please release this set outside of Japan.
I am certain Pokemon will listen to this cute cat.
There will always be such cards in format. Currently it's Shaymin, after rotation it would be Tapu Lele.Do you really want a 50$ shaymin to still be in the format?
In Japan it does but so did Wobb BREAK, M Beedrill, M Sharpedo, M Camerupt, etc. So that doesn't really mean anythingThey have set numbers on them. So, I'm leaning towards that not being the case.
But it has the XY layout...FA Karen will probably be in SM3 the same way they put FA Professor Sycamore in Steam Seige for the international release.
BW/XY Layout.In Japan it does but so did Wobb BREAK, M Beedrill, M Sharpedo, M Camerupt, etc. So that doesn't really mean anything
But it has the XY layout...
I could actually see that being a thing! Maybe with those Pikachu and Charizard promos as well?Maybe we'll get an FA Trainer promo box with Karen, Giovanni's Scheme, and Here comes Team Rocket!
Maybe Ash's Pikachu and Ash's Charizard?I could actually see that being a thing! Maybe with those Pikachu and Charizard promos as well?
There will always be such cards in format. Currently it's Shaymin, after rotation it would be Tapu Lele.
We are going there, where we will have 60 full arts in a deck.
Yes, but Shaymin is a meta defining (read restricting) card. There are very few competitive decks that run without at least one. Most have 2. Some go even further. Tapu Lele will be useful for sure, but it won't replace the draw support Shaymin currently brings to the meta. It may become the next 50+ dollar card (I think it probably settles around 30), but unlike Shaymin, it is unlikely that this card becomes a "must run" in every deck.
The only reason Tapu Lele GX would not be a "Must Run" would be in situations where Jirachi EX + Level Ball is simply better and that only applies to Expanded, anyway. Tapu Lele GX is a better Lugia EX in all regards sans needing a Fighting Resistance and, quite frankly, being able to search for a Supporter outweighs Deep Hurricane. It has a better Retreat Cost, has a GX Attack (albeit situation), and allows you to "toolbox" any Supporter in your deck. Why would a card like this not be a Staple in 99% of decks?
I'm almost certain that, in time, the card will easily rise above 30. It provides way too much utility to not, especially considering we don't have Jirachi EX in Standard right now and in most cases outweighs even that in Expanded. Granted, we'll see how long it takes to break that price consistently, but much like Shaymin EX wasn't 50+ to begin with, I don't expect this to be immediately, either. Still, it definitely will be an expensive card in time. I have no doubt about that.
Fair. Though, I will say that there's absolutely no reason to run Oranguru in something that you wouldn't run Tapu Lele in, if that makes sense. It's like the whole Shaymin/Lele thing now. Why run one or the other when you can run both, you know? That said, I'm... mixed on how many copies of Lele we will be playing if we 100% lose out on Shaymin EX. I want to say we'll still run 1 for the versatility, considering we do still have Oranguru... but, I feel like being able to search for a Supporter is going to be pretty crucial. I mean, we had people run 2 Jirachi EX in the past to success and Tapu Lele is much harder to kill (albeit not as easy to search for in comparison) and it also acts as a good attacker... I suppose we'll have to wait and see, but I could see it going up in price over the next year or so if we don't receive another great Draw Pokemon from TPCi. That said, too much speculation for right now lol.It may become the next must run card for added consistency, but I honestly think Oranguru is going to be played in more decks than Lele. I am not sure this becomes a 2+ must run and that is the difference between a 50 dollar ultra rare card and a 30 dollar ultra rare card. The thing is, I don't think expanded is going to rotate, so it will continue to be outclassed in expanded by Shaymin and depending on the deck Jirachi. That's a huge part of the meta that won't tech the card meaning once you get 2, you really don't need more. I think that alone will depress the price of the card.
All that said, I am glad we are getting a Lugia replacement with a useful ability and it is going to be an expensive card. The hyper rare is going to be a 60 dollar card for sure. I just don't think the regular art card will get much above 30.