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Fist Fight (Lucario EX / Landorus EX / Hawlucha / Medicham)

Dark Espeon

Dark Avatar

Pokemon (14):

  • 3 Landorus EX (beatdown)
    3 Lucario EX (beatdown)
    2 Hawlucha (beatdown)
    2 Landorus (beatdown)
    2 Medicham (strike)
    2 Meditate (evolve)

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (34):

  • 1 Lysandre's Last Resort (conserve)
    4 Professor Scyamore (draw)
    4 Korrina (search)
    2 Lysandre (gust)
    4 N (draw)
    1 Startling Megaphone (discard)
    1 Computer Search (search)
    1 Professor's Letter (search)
    2 Silver Bangle (beatdown)
    4 Muscle Band (beatdown)
    2 Escape Rope (switch)
    3 VS Seeker (retrieve)
    2 Ultra Ball (search)
    3 Fighting Stadium (beatdown)

Energy (12):

  • 8 Fighting Energy
    4 Strong Energy


Go second and start with either Landorus Ex or Lucario Ex. Both can attack for little resources and put on preasure from the start. Built some Multi Strike Medicham on the bench and continue to hit the bench with Landorus Ex. Medicham and Landorus Ex can be used to ohko while Landorus handles Safe Guarders and Hawlucha is another nice cannon ball. Trainers were chosen to increase damage and to search out needed cards. VS Seeker makes this deck even more consistent since Korrina can search it out to ensure the deck has access to a supporter next turn.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Garbodor)

This looks great, but it struggles against anything that is resistant to fighting, so you might want to throw in a Mewtwo EX and some Double Colorless Energy so you can counter Yveltal EX, but then again, Yveltal EX can't do too much damage because your attack costs are relatively low.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Garbodor)

It's unlikely that Landorus EX will be in the same format for more than, at the most, a month, so I'd say pick Lucario EX and stick to that and another attacker to prepare for the coming rotation.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Garbodor)

Do you think that Scramble switch is a good idea in this deck? Even though you run 2:1 Fighting energy to strong energy it might be used more of a switch rather than an energy switch. I might do life dew because plasma wrecks this deck w/ thundurus and Deoxys ex.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Garbodor)

Plasma already runs 1-2 copies of Megaphone for the Garbodor matchup, it would be gone in a flash.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Garbodor)

With the copies of 4 Muscle Band, Plasma opponents will most likely take those out first. They may even discard one as most decks run 2-3. Then (I'd prefer to play it late game), play the Life Dew to ensure that you won't lose by 3 EX KOes.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Garbodor)

Eh, I'd rather have Dowsing Machine, but it's all personal preference.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Garbodor)

You wouldn't go for comp search instead? You can get the strong energy, korrina, muscle band, or stadium T1 for Lucario/Landorus EX.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Garbodor)

Hi MaD_DoG,

Thanks for the review. Scub Jab can hit past resistance and the deck is intended to run on low cost attacks to make Yveltal Ex less viable. Mewtwo Ex still is an issue since he can hit Lucario Ex for weakness. This is one of the reasons to run Landorus Ex as a second attacker. He also has low cost attacks and an uncommon weakness. However this assumes that he will remain in format. If not we will have to see whether the new non-Ex version is viable. Skunkfish would be another option but I am not entire sure on him at the moment.

Hi Frost Mage,

Thanks for the review. The built assumes that Landorus Ex will remain in format. If not we will have to see whether the new non-Ex version is viable. Skunkfish would be another option as a second attacker. In a nutshell the second attacker slot can be altered but I would like to have someone who can hit the bench and attack at low costs.

Hi Elbow,

Thanks for the review. Thundurus Ex should not be an issue since he is weak to fighting and with all the attack boost cards he can be ohkoed with ease. Deoxy Ex and Mewtwo Ex can be an issue since both hit Lucario Ex for weakness. Scramble Switch was chosen to combo with Max Potion in order to conserve Strong Energy and heal the attackers. Have not tried it out thus far but on paper it looks better than Life Dew due to the existence of one to two Startling Megaphones in almost all decks. Dowsing Maschine was the other alternative taken into consideration but in this deck the main targets would be the stadium card and Muscle Band. I felt that with eight tools the deck should have sufficient resources to maintain the Garbotoxin lock and Pal Pad suffices to recycle N and Korrina. What are your thoughts on this issue? The deck also assumes that Landorus Ex remains in format. If not it will need an alternative second attacker that can hit the bench and stay alive for at least one turn.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Garbodor)

I would say if Plasma decks are a problem then you could tech in 1 Sawk (Plasma Blast) it can do 110 to any Plasma poke with a special fighting and Muscle Band and the Fighting Stadium. I would probably replace it with a Float Stone since you have enough switch in the deck.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Machamp)

Hi folks,

Modified the deck above and turned it into a Lucario deck with Machamp.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Machamp)

Plasma decks wont be an issue beacuse alot of the time they start with tunderous ex or kyurem, which can easily be knocked out by this deck. I would consider playing 1-2 Mewtwo EX becuase it will be a powerful card once the Lucario EX comes out.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Machamp)

Hi folks,

Revised the deck and went with Dowsing Maschine to retrieve lost trainers. Also included Landorus Ex as an alternate attacker to spread out weakness a little more and to have someone who can hit the bench and score some ohko similar to Lucario Ex.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Machamp)

As some previous players may have already noted, Plasma Deoxys EX and Kyurem will more than likely terrorize your deck. As soon as you attach 2 energy to any of your Psychic-weak Poké, Deoxys EX can 1HKO that Poké; and Kyurem can easily handle Landorus EX. So, Plasma deck players may not even bench their Thundurs EXs till late game when the game is "well in control." So, consider adding 1-2 Mewtwo EX (along with 1-2 DCE or Energy Switch) as a counter to these Plasma Poké. Otherwise, your sniping strategy (with either Landorus EX or Stunfisk) could help as a counter too.

I suggest you also consider adding a Pal Pad in order to recover and recycle Supporters (especially the lone Lysandre which you will more than likely need again in the game) from your discard pile.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Machamp)

Hi Tuxedo,

Thanks for the review. The deck already runs 2 Pal Pad to recover lost supporters. Not sure about Mewtwo since the deck cannot fit two of them in addition to two double colorless. The idea was to snipe and use Hawlucha as an alternate attacker to handle Mewtwo Ex and Deoxy Ex. Not sure if this will work out and I would like to fit 1 Pokémon recovery tech trainer if that would be a viable means. The reason for Hawlucha is that he has yet a third different weakness and benefits from all the damage accelleration in this deck. He also needs little deck and energy resources. Let me know what you think about this idea.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Machamp)

I actually would like to run a Deck very similar to this, but I need to ask, how can you defeat Pyroar with the Intimidating Mane Ability?

I try imagining what I myself would do, and all I can think of is, attacking with Machamp. If I do that though, I put Machamp in danger of getting KO'd by my opponent's next attack, especially if its an energized Yveltal, EX or worse, Mewtwo EX....

I suppose if I can still win the prize trade, and maximize the potential of Lucario EX attacking for 1 Energy... I should generally be in a good position... ehh....
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Machamp)

Hi PumpedAaron,

Thanks for the review. Machamp is used as a damage boost and also counters Pyroar. Landorus can be used to fuel him in time. Sure Pyroar decks can take down Machamp with another attacker but that is all the deck can do. The added damage boost seemed to be more viable to me than Garbotoxin which was the alternative built taken into consideration. I consider to fit in one Sacred Ashes or one Super Rod but have no idea what to take out for it.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Machamp)

PumpedAaron said:
I actually would like to run a Deck very similar to this, but I need to ask, how can you defeat Pyroar with the Intimidating Mane Ability?
Let's not forget that before Pyroar becomes Pyroar, a Litleo must be benched. So, that turn the basic Poké is exposed to Lysandre/Catcher, then 1HKOd. Fortunately, Dark Espeon runs 1 Lysandre (maybe 2 to increase your chances of having access to 1 when needed?) and 2 Pal Pad.

Machamp could be a secondary option to counter Pyroar - if you actually had to "deal" with it.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Machamp)

Hi TuxedoBlack,

That is an option too. Considered to include either a second Lysandre or one Escape Rope but cound not fit it into the deck. Any idea how to include either of them?
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Machamp)

I'd suggest replacing 1 Korrina with another Lysandre.

Also, what's really interesting about the next set is that F Poke will be getting a significant "boost" in Trainer support. This phenomenon is similar to R Poke and the Flashfire set. In my play-testing in trying to take advantage of the Fiery Torch - Blacksmith energy acceleration attachment engine, I noticed that Blacksmith also "got in the way" of my wanting to play normal card-draw Supporter. So, I changed my normal card-draw mix of Supporters to include more card-draw Items (Bicycle) in order to balance playing Blacksmith and drawing cards in the same turn.

Similarly, the Korrina Supporter is just "scary good" IMHO for Fighting decks. Getting a F Poke and an Item - fantastic. Getting Machamp setup T2 will become very common and expected. However, on the downside, you forgo playing card-draw Supporter that same turn too. As you begin play-testing, you may find that your current card-draw Supporters may not be sufficient to maintain efficient deck operations. So, consider incorporating Bicycle (which Korrina can search and retrieve) to offset a few N/Professor Sycamore.