Pokemon (14):
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (34):
Energy (12):
Go second and start with either Landorus Ex or Lucario Ex. Both can attack for little resources and put on preasure from the start. Built some Multi Strike Medicham on the bench and continue to hit the bench with Landorus Ex. Medicham and Landorus Ex can be used to ohko while Landorus handles Safe Guarders and Hawlucha is another nice cannon ball. Trainers were chosen to increase damage and to search out needed cards. VS Seeker makes this deck even more consistent since Korrina can search it out to ensure the deck has access to a supporter next turn.
Pokemon (14):
3 Landorus EX (beatdown)
3 Lucario EX (beatdown)
2 Hawlucha (beatdown)
2 Landorus (beatdown)
2 Medicham (strike)
2 Meditate (evolve)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (34):
1 Lysandre's Last Resort (conserve)
4 Professor Scyamore (draw)
4 Korrina (search)
2 Lysandre (gust)
4 N (draw)
1 Startling Megaphone (discard)
1 Computer Search (search)
1 Professor's Letter (search)
2 Silver Bangle (beatdown)
4 Muscle Band (beatdown)
2 Escape Rope (switch)
3 VS Seeker (retrieve)
2 Ultra Ball (search)
3 Fighting Stadium (beatdown)
Energy (12):
8 Fighting Energy
4 Strong Energy
Go second and start with either Landorus Ex or Lucario Ex. Both can attack for little resources and put on preasure from the start. Built some Multi Strike Medicham on the bench and continue to hit the bench with Landorus Ex. Medicham and Landorus Ex can be used to ohko while Landorus handles Safe Guarders and Hawlucha is another nice cannon ball. Trainers were chosen to increase damage and to search out needed cards. VS Seeker makes this deck even more consistent since Korrina can search it out to ensure the deck has access to a supporter next turn.