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Fist Fight (Lucario EX / Landorus EX / Hawlucha / Medicham)

RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Machamp)

Hi TuxedoBlack,

Not sure whether I want to loose one Korrina. To me this card makes the deck real consistent. Will see whether the deck works better with Bicycle than with Receivers once the final cards for the deck arrive. How about Escape Rope instead of switch or break even on the two?
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Machamp)

There's absolutely no need to ttake out Korrina. Also in my opinion bicycle wont really be viable in this deck, since it has no form of energy acceleration (from hand) also it doesnt really abuse items and its a stage deck, so you are likely to have at least 4 cards in your hand pretty much every turn in my opinion. As surprising as it may be, roller skates is a decent option. Sure, it won't always give you 3 cards, but when it does, it's awesome. Also since the deck doesnt need a lot of ressources (ultraball and korrina are enough to get machamp) I dont think using up your supporter for that turn is that mch of a deal. Also I'd rather take out one fighting stadium and add one training center.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Machamp)

Dark Espeon said:
How about Escape Rope instead of switch or break even on the two?
Since you have no bench snipers, I'd suggest Escape Rope or at split between Switch and Escape Rope.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario Ex / Landorus Ex / Machamp)

Hi Vom,

Thanks for the review. For me Korrina makes the deck too consistent to lower her count since I want her as soon as possible. She should never be a dead draw in this deck so Random Receiver could work but I need to check that out. If Random Receiver does not work as intended he will be removed in favor of either Colress or Shauna. It is a two card slot and Roller Skates seem too inconsistent for the small slots that can be devoted to them. Will most likely break even on Switch and Escape Rope as TuxedoBlack suggested or run Escape Rope over Switch but I will test out the reduced stadium count in favor or a tech Sacred Ash.

Hi TuxedoBlack,

Thanks for the review. The deck runs Landorus Ex to hit the bench but even with a bench hitter breaking even on the two switch cards could be more favorable. Will also check whether removing one stadium works to fit in one sacred ash to retrieve discarded Pokémon such as Machamp and two main attackers.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario EX / Landorus EX / Machamp)

Hi folks,

Modified the deck a little after some test runs. Removed the entire Machamp line to make the deck much faster. Korrina is now used to obtain basic attackers and needed trainers. She is still is vital part of this deck. Random Receivers also worked well with her since this card allows one to turn Korrina into an improved Skyla when there is a need to obtain additional supporters.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario EX / Landorus EX)

Should the soon to be announced set rotation includes Next Destinies through Boundaries Crossed, inclusive, Landorus EX will not be available in regular, modified format play. Any thoughts for a possible replacement? Suggest you consider a second M Lucario EX.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario EX / Landorus EX)

Hi TuxedoBlack,

Zhere are reasons to assume that Boundaries Crossed is not rotated out. Virbank and Skyla were released in different sets in Japan and the USA. if boundaries crossed is rotated out Virbank will not be available in Japan while it is available in the USA. A similar argument can be made for Skyla who would be available in Japan but not in the USA. Since this would cause some problems I assume that Boundaries Crossed will not be rotated out.

If Boundaries Crossed is rotated out Skunkfish would be the replacement for Landorus Ex but it would sure make the deck less offensive since Landorus Ex is also used to ohko in this deck. M Lucario Ex is a tech and I am still unsure on this one. While it is nice to have another option to ohko and handle Pyroar it also slows the deck down and he can be ohkoed in return by psychic Pokémon.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario EX / Landorus EX)

Dark Espeon said:
Hi TuxedoBlack,

Zhere are reasons to assume that Boundaries Crossed is not rotated out. Virbank and Skyla were released in different sets in Japan and the USA. if boundaries crossed is rotated out Virbank will not be available in Japan while it is available in the USA. A similar argument can be made for Skyla who would be available in Japan but not in the USA. Since this would cause some problems I assume that Boundaries Crossed will not be rotated out.
I do hope you are right or Landorus EX is just re-released. Either way, players will still have access to a great Poké for modified tournament format.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario EX / Landorus EX)

Hi LoneWolf2113,

Long time no see :). Stunfisk could be used if Landorus Ex is rotated out but he is not an optimal replacement since the deck tends to use Land Judgement from time to time and Stunfisk does not provide this option. One could even consider to run both of them instead of Terrakion. While it may not work that well in this built it was decent in the Garbodor version of this deck.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario EX / Landorus EX)

2 fighting stadium, 3 is a bit much even for the stadium war if they tech stunfisk or hawlucha1 energy fighting basic it goes further into knocking out the rival lando or lucario then lando or lucario knocking it out

The attacks of each player's Active Fighting Pokémon do 20 more damage to Active Pokémon-EX (before applying Weakness and Resistance).

Also wouldn't it be worth playing hawlucha in this deck if it can 2 shot an EX and mega?
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario EX / Landorus EX)

Hi yo-yos,

Thanks for the review. The third stadium is more of a counter stadium to knock out Virbank and other stadiums that only benefit the opponent. I am considering to run one tech Magnetic Storm over the third Fighting Stadium since it helps versus non-Ex attackers resistant to fighting and also acts as a counter stadium. Since most decks run three stadiums over here and Fighting Stadium is an active stadium I feel that three stadium cards total are needed in this deck. Also consider that Fighting Stadium is one of the few cards that cannot be searched out with Korrina.

Hawlucha non-Ex does not apply weakness and resistance. I am not a fan of this card outside of a Machamp built and even in the Machamp built I believe that he is debateable. The Ex version is not bad at all but his lower HP and three energies to attack make him a more risky play from my point of view. Lucario Ex can do the same once he has three energies attached. Thus there is no real reason to run Hawlucha Ex over a third Lucario Ex.

Btw: How did your Garbodor built perform thus far?
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario EX / Landorus EX)

I would rather play hawlucha over the EX version, it's 70hp is terrible but it does hit for 100 which at times in a deck that stacks dmg on the bench for lands judgement ko's seems like something that would help more then hinder, that and a well timed lysandre for a strong bench tech on there side saves your EX's from getting hit the turn after.

It didn't pan out that well, I played a quad everything version to give a rough estimate to what was needed for the deck, korrina gave a very different approach to how decks in this format are being played, but overall I found I needed slight techs to give the deck a bit of a boost at times.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario EX / Landorus EX)

Hi yo-yos,

Still not sure on Hawlucha. Neither one Ex nor the non-Ex version ad much to the deck other cards cannot add on their own. Tried non-Ex Hawlucha in the Machamp version but Other cards tended to work better. Would be interested Garbodor list. Mine runs several different attackers and a few tech trainers.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario EX / Landorus EX / Garbodor)

Hi folks,

After some test runs I revised the deck and included one new card from Phantom Gates which has been released this weekend. The one card is VS Seeker which seems to make the deck a little more consistent and versatile since it can be a draw or search card as well as a third Lysandre. Since VS Seker is a reprint from older sets I did not include a spoiler for it. In essence it is an item card that can retrieve a supporter from the discard to be reused.

Phantom Forces did not have a lot of cards that seemed to assist this deck other than VS Seeker. Although Pokémon Tool F are indeed some of the best disruption cards I do not see that this deck would benefit much from either of them. Seismitoad and Manectric seem to be the decks that would benefit the most from these two new cards. Nonetheless the deck might need a tech to counter them. I considered to tech either one Tool Retriever, or one Xerosic. Would like to hear comments on this consideration and ideas on how to fit either of the two techs into the deck if needed. Thanks for all the assistance in advance.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario EX / Landorus EX / Hawlucha / Garbodor)

I'm finding Hawlucha, although quite limited in HP, is quite useful in this deck, especially in the Seismitoad matchup.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario EX / Landorus EX / Hawlucha / Garbodor)

Hi TuxedoBlack,

He worked out rather well in this deck as a Pokémon Ex counter and he can even hit for weakness when Garbodor is in effect. Any idea on how to fit to tech either one Tool Retriever, or one Xerosic to combat the new Pokémon Tool F cards?
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario EX / Landorus EX / Hawlucha / Garbodor)

Dark Espeon said:
Hi TuxedoBlack,

Any idea on how to fit to tech either one Tool Retriever, or one Xerosic to combat the new Pokémon Tool F cards?
Would like o see your current list before before offering suggested changes. Please post your current, revised deck list. Ty.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario EX / Landorus EX / Hawlucha / Garbodor)

Hi TuxedoBlack,

Revised the original post as usual to reflect the most recent deck list.
RE: Fist Fight (Lucario EX / Landorus EX / Hawlucha / Garbodor)

Of the 2 aforementioned cards, Xerosic (future Supporter - choose 1 Special Energy or Pokemon Tool from either your Pokemon or your opponent's Pokemon and discard it) and Tool Retriever (Item - Choose up to 2 attached Tools attached to your Pokemon and put them in your hand), I view Xerosic as a bit more versatile. I'd suggest replacing one of your 16 Supporters with Xerosic; in particular Professor Sycamore (I find 3 of these to be plenty given Korrina's capability).