Hel yeah, that's what I wanted! *---*
Zygarde taking on different forms for different stages of power.
Starting with simple single-cell-like creatures, turning into something common like a dog, then a majestic serpent and then the shadow overlord kaiju-mech-perfect-cell monster! BWAHAHAHAAHA
Nice :>
I figure that Zygardes forms could be inspired by Lokis children...
Loki in norse mythology, had 3 children.
-Fenrir the wolf
-Jormungandr the serpent
-Hel, a female being that is one half alive and one half dead
"Hel in a reading can represent a time of simultaneous endings and beginnings, the point at which the circle is completed. She can also indicate integrity, as opposites unite to form a stronger whole"
EDIT: My full thoughts: http://pokehype.blogspot.si/2015/09/new-forms-for-zygarde.html
Hel yeah, that's what I wanted! *---*
Zygarde taking on different forms for different stages of power.
Starting with simple single-cell-like creatures, turning into something common like a dog, then a majestic serpent and then the shadow overlord kaiju-mech-perfect-cell monster! BWAHAHAHAAHA
Nice :>
I figure that Zygardes forms could be inspired by Lokis children...
Loki in norse mythology, had 3 children.
-Fenrir the wolf
-Jormungandr the serpent
-Hel, a female being that is one half alive and one half dead
"Hel in a reading can represent a time of simultaneous endings and beginnings, the point at which the circle is completed. She can also indicate integrity, as opposites unite to form a stronger whole"
EDIT: My full thoughts: http://pokehype.blogspot.si/2015/09/new-forms-for-zygarde.html
I don't mind the blobs, they're like means to an end. The dog is just... why a freakin' dog? Like I said, after reading Mitja's post, it makes sense but for those who don't even suspect or know about such myths, it's like, why not a lizard, an amphibian, maybe even an insectoid... going from dog to serpent is just weird.
Even the Ground-type, I never really understood what makes Zygarde a ground-type...
You know what else this thing doesn't look like? a Z. Although this is just me being picky now.
...the pope hat is actually quite good...
I suppose you make a lot of sense, i still am not feeling the designs though. They look tacky to me.I doubt it'd be called Z. Look at perfect Zygarde. Its design has features akin to Xerneas (quad-symmetrical wings and horns, spectrum of colors on its chest) as well as Yveltal (the wing designs themselves being flat and elongated, along with another one serving as a tail), while still sort of resembling 50% Zygarde.
I'm betting on Pokemon XYZ. If it's a single version.
But putting perfect Zygarde on a game cover? This will be the first time we see something that doesn't even have actual eyes on a box. Interesting.
well.. it's not hard to connect Zygarde with "underworld" symbolism, what with it being a serpent hidden deep in a cave observing the world from there.
And "dog"-creatures are quite popular in such myths. Hellhounds, Cerberus, Garmr...
so even without the specific connection I was drawing, it's not THAT big of a stretch for a dog-like creature to show up in the progression from single cell to that epic monstrosity I think.
What is the Ground type in general even about in your view? What are at least somewhat distinct/unique aspects of it that it adds to a Pokemon?
the pope hat? do you mean the part above it's head? That's the second "wing" from the backside.
Here you can see clearly what its head looks like. (ignore the circled hexagons)
Have they used Super Saiyans yet? I know we've got Freeza (Mewtwo) and now Cell (Zygarde), plus Infernape actually resembles the Journey to the West Son Goku, so I am starting to wonder. The sad part is mining DBZ isn't the worst place for Pokémon ideas, other than realizing a lot of said ideas were "inspired" by yet other stories. XD
I doubt it'd be called Z. Look at perfect Zygarde. Its design has features akin to Xerneas (quad-symmetrical wings and horns, spectrum of colors on its chest) as well as Yveltal (the wing designs themselves being flat and elongated, along with another one serving as a tail), while still sort of resembling 50% Zygarde.
I'm betting on Pokemon XYZ. If it's a single version.
I doubt it'd be called Z. Look at perfect Zygarde. Its design has features akin to Xerneas (quad-symmetrical wings and horns, spectrum of colors on its chest) as well as Yveltal (the wing designs themselves being flat and elongated, along with another one serving as a tail), while still sort of resembling 50% Zygarde.
I'm betting on Pokemon XYZ. If it's a single version.
But putting perfect Zygarde on a game cover? This will be the first time we see something that doesn't even have actual eyes on a box. Interesting.
well.. it's not hard to connect Zygarde with "underworld" symbolism, what with it being a serpent hidden deep in a cave observing the world from there.
And "dog"-creatures are quite popular in such myths. Hellhounds, Cerberus, Garmr...
so even without the specific connection I was drawing, it's not THAT big of a stretch for a dog-like creature to show up in the progression from single cell to that epic monstrosity I think.
What is the Ground type in general even about in your view? What are at least somewhat distinct/unique aspects of it that it adds to a Pokemon?
the pope hat? do you mean the part above it's head? That's the second "wing" from the backside.
Here you can see clearly what its head looks like. (ignore the circled hexagons)
Actually I think it is more Dusknoir like, in that it has both a clear had and a chest mouth. Still, would've liked it more if its head was at least a bit serpentine.
Actually I think it is more Dusknoir like, in that it has both a clear had and a chest mouth. Still, would've liked it more if its head was at least a bit serpentine.