Flareon Deck Help

Dusty Starr

Half Fairy Hero!
Hello all. :3 One of the big things that made playing the TCG hard for me was not really enjoying using EX cards (though I am using them in PTCGO since I don't have a lot to work with), so when i heard about the Flareon deck, I got really excited! A cheap(er) deck without the need for EXes, and of course, it uses Flareon and Leafeon, some of my favourite pokes!

However, it seems like everyone has their own idea on how to make the deck... really, most of the only constants that I see are Flareon and Leafeon.

So, I am just curious about what cards work well with this deck. :3 And what trainers I will need.

Oh! And does anyone know how long this deck will be able to be used for? I really hope it is not rotated out soon...

Thank you all. :3
It really depends on what you wnat to be paired with flareon. There are several decks that run flareon. A couple that I like are a a flareon ninetails deck. And flareon with garbador and Landuraus EX. You can also run Flareon with the 6 feet under coffagregus. You could also run it with milotic from flash fire.
Trainers you will need are pretty consistant
Preffesor Juniper or professor sycamore
Ultra balls
muscle band/ silver bangle
The rest of the trainers depends on how you play and what you want the deck to do.

As far as energy it depends on which pokemon you decide to pair it with but make sure you put 4 double colorless energy. My ninetails deck i put in fire energy, and ladaurus EX i put it fighting energy.

Most of the cards that are used in this deck will be around for a while.
By Ninetails I assumed you mean the Hexed Flame one? How did that work in conjection with a Flareon deck?

Still, thanks for the info. :3
Yeah the hexed flame ninetails. It worked well beacuse I can attack early with ninetails or leafeon or even raichu and come in late game with flareon. Ninetails also has the red sight ability which helps KO key parts of your oppenets strategy.

In the ninetails deck i also run mewtwo ex because i am running double colorless energy so why not add in abig attacker.
Do you make use of status effects with Hexed Flame, like with Hypnotoxic laser? or do you just use it as cheap simple early game damage?

Also, I have been wondering: Would Plasma Balls be any good in this deck? Considering that Flareon, leafeon, and a lot of other Pokemon are Plasma Pokemon, it might be more beneficial than ultra balls (well, maybe having both). Of course, Plasma pokes will only be around so long... then again, Flareon will be rounded out along with them, so I suppose that does not matter.
I use the status effects with hypnotoxic lasers, You could use plasma and ultra balls. Ultra balls can help you discard pokemon to increase flareons vengence attack
Oh yeah, I did not think of using ultra balls like that... so those should definitely be in. X3

Is there a card that would let you recover stuff like the lasers from the discard pile to use again tho?
Dowsing machine is an ace spec card that requires you to discard two cards and put a trainer card from your discard pile and back into your hand. Or else there is sableye with junk hunt which allows you to put 2 item cards from your discard pile into your hand. There is also diggersby from the xy set which has an attack that allows you to put 1 item card from discard into hand.