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Standard Flareon EX


Now With Sablenite!
  • 3 Flareon-EX GEN
  • 2 Entei AOR 14
  • 3 Shaymin-EX ROS
  • 1 Charizard-EX FLF (Combustion Blast)

Trainers - 39

  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 4 N
  • 3 Blacksmith
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 1 AZ
  • 1 Hex Maniac
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 4 Max Elixir
  • 3 Battle Compressor
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 2 Fighting Fury Belt
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 3 Scorched Earth

Energy - 12

  • 10 Fire Energy
  • 2 Double Colorless Energy

Hey Beachgoers! So this is one of my new favorites for Standard: Flareon EX. For those that don't know what Flareon-EX does, it has an ability called Flash Fire, that allows you to move one energy from one of your other Pokemon to Flareon-EX per turn. Flareon-EX's attack is called Blaze Ball. Blaze Ball does 50+20 for each fire energy attached to Flareon-EX. This allows you to deal 110 potentially on the first turn. If you can use a successful Blacksmith T1 in tandem with a successful Max Elixir and the use of Flash Fire, a Flareon-EX can easily be powered up in one turn. I have Entei as a tech for Rayquaza-EX and Raichu, as well as anything else that likes to have a large bench. Charizard-EX is there as a backup attacker to help deal with Pokemon-EX with 150-170 HP, such as Yveltal-EX. Hex Maniac may seem like an odd inclusion, but one Hex Maniac can stop Night March dead in its tracks, which is great. Any feedback that you guys would like to offer would be great and I look forward to seeing potential ways to improve this deck.

Thank you!
Have you considered using Malamar EX whose Ability will impose a Sleep condition on the Defending Pokemon? You could then move that energy from Malamar EX to one of your Flareon EXs. Should your opponent's Defending not wake up, then you may gain an advantage.

Why not max-out Fighting Fury Belt?

Why not incorporate a Professor Letter's and/or Energy Retrieval to "ensure" you can either attach energy from hand and/or discard for Scorched Earth?

Thoughts regarding a Greninja or Jolteon EX matchup?
Hi @LoneWolf2113

I like your list as a starting point. However, the biggest thing that stands out is the use of both Blacksmith and Max Elixir.

Max Elixir and Blacksmith don't seem to have synergy together. For Blacksmith to work, you want to take Energy out of your deck and dump them in the discard. Unfortunately, this makes hitting a Max Elixir less likely. Personally, I'd find it easier to base the deck around Blacksmith and Battle Compressor.

If you're going to run a high count of Blacksmith (3+), then you're not going to need 4 Professor Sycamore and 4 N. Fire decks that focus on energy acceleration through Blacksmith are typically reliant on Item/Stadium-based draw engines - look at some successful Entei (Ancient Trait) lists for evidence of this; you'll tend to find draw supporters are reduced to 1 or 2 copies of Professor Sycamore. Perhaps rejig your Supporter line and think about adding copies of Acro Bike and Trainers' Mail.

Here are my suggestions:

-1 Charizard-EX
-1 Entei
-2 Professor Sycamore
-2 N
-4 Max Elixir
-2 Muscle Band
-2 Double Colorless Energy

+1 Malamar-EX
+1 Hoopa-EX
+4 Trainers' Mail
+4 Acro Bike
+2 Float Stone
+1 Professor's Letter
+1 Fire Energy

It's also worth pointing out that a Flareon-EX player got top 4 at Berlin Regionals recently. His list can be found here and is noteworthy for some interesting tech choices.
It's also worth pointing out that a Flareon-EX player got top 4 at Berlin Regionals recently. His list can be found here and is noteworthy for some interesting tech choices.
It's also important to note that those European tournaments may have a much smaller player base competing vs. the typical U.S. counterpart.

@LoneWolf2113 If you are preparing for the U.S. National Championship tournament, I'd suggest you play-test your deck a lot against: Greninja, Night March, Water Box, Lightning Box, Trevenant variations and Darkrai-Zoroark variants.
It's also important to note that those European tournaments may have a much smaller player base competing vs. the typical U.S. counterpart.

Agreed - that's a good point.

Although Greninja and Trevenant BREAK are bad matchups on paper, Flareon-EX's speed can quickly overwhelm the two slower decks. When practicing against Night March, perhaps try out some cards such as Jirachi (XY-P), Enhanced Hammer and Xerosic.

Good luck!
Hi! Thanks for all the awesome suggestions. After trying out Malamar EX and a more item based draw style, I have found both of these awesome suggestions to be extremely helpful in both disrupting and outspeeding my opponents. Any other suggestions are welcome and I'm still very open to ideas.

If you've revised your list, please post the changes above in your original post; further comments can be offered thereafter.
What about a 1-1 line on camerupt from double crisis? you could easily flash fire back on to flareon. Also, if you decide that you still want to play malamar, you can add in a energy switch. Just some thoughts