Flareon Variants


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This thread is used for all competitive discussion on Flareon Variants. This includes strategies, playstyles, and techs.

You may post decklists here, but only as a means to add to the discussion. If you're looking for advice on your list, post in the Deck Garage.

Articles for Flareon:

Grafton Roll's "Flareon Finally Got a Move"

Flareon Skeleton List:

Pokémon: 23
  • 4 Eevee PLF
  • 4 Flareon PLF
  • 2 Leafeon PLF
  • 2 Empoleon DEX
  • 2 Audino BCR
  • 2 Jirachi EX
  • 2 Ditto BCR
  • 2 Exeggcute PLF
  • 1 Swirlix PHF
  • 1 Slurpuff PHF
  • 1 Mr. Mime PLF
Trainers: 26
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 1 N
  • 1 Archie's Ace in the Hole
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 4 Battle Compressor
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 4 Acro Bike
  • 2 Silver Bangle
  • 1 Computer Search
Energy: 7
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
  • 3 Water
Open Spots: 4

The goal of Flareon is to use Battle Compressor and other cards to get Pokemon in the discard quickly, then use Vengeance to score OHKOs. Having to play so many Pokemon, the deck has lots of room for tech cards to help with Flareon's tough match ups. Leafeon can deal a solid amount of damage to Seismitoad EX decks, and it resists Water. Empoleon can get into play easily with Archie's Ace in the Hole. It helps you draw through your deck quicker with Diving Draw, and knocks out Landorus EX easily. The deck can have trouble with decks that out-speed it, such as Night March, and occasionally Yveltal EX decks, as well as Item lock sometimes, but otherwise can deal with most decks by just using Vengeance.

Good Additions:
  • Thicker Slurpuff Line
  • Remove Empoleon / Archie's Ace in the Hole / Water Energy
  • Deoxys EX
  • Eevee FFI and Grass Energy
  • More Leafeon PLF
  • Another Lysandre
  • Float Stone
  • Teammates
  • Town Map
  • Training Center
  • Trainer's Mail
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What use would Leafeon FUF ever have over the Plasma one? Aside from Sleeping your opponent, it seems counter-intuitive.
GadgetJax said:
What use would Leafeon FUF ever have over the Plasma one? Aside from Sleeping your opponent, it seems counter-intuitive.

It provides a way to be able to use items for a turn and is a constant source of damage that is not affected by your opponent. It was good before people started playing SSU in Seis although it might be less strong now.
The FFI version shouldn't be there to have a turn using Items. With Flareon, you only need one turn of items and that is the first turn and you are guaranteed Items on your first turn.

Flareon only needs to first turn of Items then can overwhelm the Seismitoads.
Gengar master said:
The FFI version shouldn't be there to have a turn using Items. With Flareon, you only need one turn of items and that is the first turn and you are guaranteed Items on your first turn.

Flareon only needs to first turn of Items then can overwhelm the Seismitoads.

That's not necessarily true. Your draw power is fairly reliant on items. Getting out of the lock a turn later in the game is really clutch as it allows you to get things you need (for example a Silver Bangle or Ultra Ball). A Seis player can play around a Leafeon. If they never have more than a DCE attached then you are 3HKO'ing (if you don't have a Bangle on Leafeon). Super Scoop Up and Scoop Up Cyclone in Seis really can hurt Flareon as well.
I see, but that's reliant on them getting tails. Leafeon PLF is guaranteed to put a lot of damage on with Bangle and DCE on Seismitoad.
What is the strategy for this deck? Vengeance spamming?
PMJ said:
What is the strategy for this deck? Vengeance spamming?

Pretty much. Sometimes you attack with Empo and Leafeon too.

Discard a ton of Pokemon and Vengeance. When you run low use LTC. Repeat.
I've been testing this \deck to nice results. I've been running Electrode PLF rather than Slurpuff for a handful of reasons. It can potentially allow you to draw more cards each turn, acting like a free Bicycle- you can draw up to four cards off it if you can play out your whole hand. This comes with the obvious disadvantage that you can't Magnetic Draw if you have four or more cards in hand. This happens most often against Seismitoad, but in this matchup draw power is less prudent as Leafeon is your workhorse and can survive a Quaking Punch or two. Empoleon gets you some draw regardless, and it's surprisingly easy to get out. I also like Voltorb XY's Destiny Burst, which while it is a flip of course, getting heads can often push the bar to Flareon can get a KO early game, where you may not have the "magic number" of Pokemon in your discard yet.

I also think Eevee PLF is significant, and you should run a 3-1 or 2-2 split between it and Eevee FFI. With only one Grass energy in the deck (and some variants exclude this entirely for only Water), you usually won't be using Energy Evolution, though it is of course a big deal when you do trigger it. However, the 10 extra HP can make a major difference against decks like Fighting / Bats. Mr. Mime certainly helps there, but it doesn't protect you from Golbat / Crobat's Abilities.

Another possible tech (I've heard people talk about this but I haven't tested it myself) is Swampert PRC. A single copy could be played either instead of one Empoleon, or in addition. Battle Compressor lets you pluck it out, and then you call it into play via Archie's Ace in the Hole. The combo with Acro Bike and/or Empoleon is pretty obvious. That drawback is that Swampert can't really be used as an attacker in this deck while Empoleon can punish anything that's weak to Water for a single energy.
I've tested with Swampert and combo with Slurpuff/Empoleon makes it so you will always draw what you want. It also isn't very hard to do this either. It's a good combo but takes up a slot.