• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.



Aspiring Trainer
Edit: Update as of 02/12/12

Alright, I just pulled this deck back out this week and used it. I won once and lost twice to a Darkrai variant.

Is this deck even worth using anymore? Lmk what you think and any help critiquing it would be awesome! Thanks

60 Card Deck for Modified Play

DX = Dragon's Exalted
DRE = Dark Explorer's

Pokemon: 20
  • 4x Gible (DX) #87
  • 3x Gabite (DX) #89
  • 4x Garchomp (DX) #90 (Got the good one this time)
  • 3x Emolga (DX)
  • 3x Swablu (DX)
  • 3x Altaria (DX)
Trainers: 23
  • 3x Cheren (Emerging Powers)
  • 4x N (DRE)
  • 3x Professor Juniper (DRE)
  • 3x Rare Candy (DRE)
  • 4x Pokemon Catcher (will add 1 more)
  • 3x Level Ball
  • 3x Energy Retrieval
  • 2x Enhanced Hammer
  • 2x Super Rod
Energy: 13
  • 9x Fighting
  • 4x Special Energy (Water, Electric, Fighting, Metal) (DX)

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
RE: Garchomp/Seismitoad Deck

First, welcome to Pokebeach! Now, this deck has a couple of problems. First, The Pokemon are kind of scattered. Garchomp and Seismitoad don't really go together. So, what Garchomp are you using?? Once you reply, I can help you more.
RE: Garchomp/Seismitoad Deck

There are 2 Garchomp in Dragons Exalted: a good one (#90) and a bad one (#91). Since he said he got it from a theme deck, I'm guessing it's #91, Jet Head Garchomp.
RE: Garchomp/Seismitoad Deck

There's very little synergy with this deck. Your biggest problem with the deck is that you have very few trainers and the trainers you have are mostly 1-of's. Having so few trainers really wrecks your consistency (how often you can do what the deck was meant to do), and most of the Pokemon in the deck don't help you achieve your goal of getting a Garchomp out. Another (common) problem is the use of pyramid lines. There's nothing wrong with using 4 of the basic in a Stage 2 line, but there is a problem with using 3 Gabite and 2 Garchomp. If you get any Rare Candy, add it in and make your Garchomp line 4-2-3. It really helps a lot with your ability to get Garchomp out, and with Rare Candy, you can have a Gabite sitting on your bench so you can use Dragon Call every turn.

Despite the fact that you have the bad Garchomp, one great addition to any deck revolving around a Dragon-type is Altaria DR84. Its Fight Song ability makes it so all attacks from your Dragon-type Pokemon do 20 more damage. Having just one Altaria can make a difference.
RE: Garchomp/Seismitoad Deck

Very cool. Thank you for the help. I will be looking into getting some of those card.
RE: Garchomp/Seismitoad Deck

I'm still out of it abit as I'm just coming back after playing neos along time ago but from an old school perspective trying to play two stage 2 evolutions in the same deck is kinda overloading it. You might could get away with it but you need some rare candies(as in Trainer card rare candy) but you'll have some big speed issues.
Alright guys I have updated after looking at some other deck choices on here.

FUGGNUTZ: I took your advice and added the Altaria. Just need one more to even it out. Would you still recommend the 4-2-3 on Garchomp or is 4-4-4 ok like I have it. Also im looking into getting some of the trainers that I think I need.

Please let me know what looks good and doesnt so far. Thanks for the help!
4-3-4 Garchomp is good. Some people say it' 4-4-4; I say it's to clunky. Since you're running such a thick line, 4 Rare Candy is a little overkill. Other than that:

shockwaveops said:
A few things that I already want to change.
+4 Level Ball
+4 Max Potion
+1 Altaria
-1 Emolga
-4 Ultra Ball
-4 Giant Cape

You nailed it right there! I'm assuming, of course, you don't have Catcher, and you're using Max Potion instead.
Mora said:
4-3-4 Garchomp is good. Some people say it' 4-4-4; I say it's to clunky. Since you're running such a thick line, 4 Rare Candy is a little overkill. Other than that:

You nailed it right there! I'm assuming, of course, you don't have Catcher, and you're using Max Potion instead.

Thanks for the advice. I do want to get rid of the 4th Gabite but I dont know what to fill in there. Also I pick up some cards today and revised the list alittle. I added 4 water energy as well and took out some trainers. Ive been playing this deck online and had ran into the problem of not having enough energy at the right time. Im sure that it has something to do with me still getting back into the swing of things but the added energy has helped me alot. I was able to pick up 2 pokemon catchers so the max potions are out and I will add the other 2 catchers as I get them.
That's odd, my list only runs eleven energies, and I'm usually able to hit an attachment every turn, and if I miss one, it's not too big of a deal. I suppose that's because in my list, I have maxed out Juniper and N. You could go ahead and git rid of that 4th Gabite and at least one {W} since we're improving consistency. On top of that, I'd switch a {W} or two over to {F} because Mach Cut is the attack you're really going to be rellying on. I only use Dragonblade if the extra 40 damage gets me a OHKO or turns what otherwise would have been a 3HKO into a 2HKO. Plus, it has a way better effect :p
Mora said:
That's odd, my list only runs eleven energies, and I'm usually able to hit an attachment every turn, and if I miss one, it's not too big of a deal. I suppose that's because in my list, I have maxed out Juniper and N. You could go ahead and git rid of that 4th Gabite and at least one {W} since we're improving consistency. On top of that, I'd switch a {W} or two over to {F} because Mach Cut is the attack you're really going to be rellying on. I only use Dragonblade if the extra 40 damage gets me a OHKO or turns what otherwise would have been a 3HKO into a 2HKO. Plus, it has a way better effect :p

Thanks. I switched 1 Gabite and 2 {W} for 3 {F}. I never thought about using Dragonblade that way either. It makes alot more sense.
My son has just put a Garchomp (90) deck together also, after seeing a variant win our weekly tourney last week, it can be a real bear to beat. When you combine super ease of getting it out (Gabite ability), 1 retreat cost, mega damage it can deal right away (1 or 2 energy plus add effect of Altaria - also simple to get out), simply one of the best stage 2's I've seen. Also add in the lack of any real weakness (dragon) - maybe just Rayquaza. Some suggestions : x3 rare candy and x4 Emolga seem too high. If don't get Emolga out 1st turn it's essentially useless, plus the deck sets up quick & easy without it. If going to use that many, trying to squeeze in Pokemon Communication makes sense. With the rare candy I suppose have to figure out the increased possibility % of getting Garchomp into action turn 2 instead of turn 3 and if it is worth it. My son currently is running 1 candy and x2 Emolga. Would also definitely include 3rd Altaria which is well worth it as really need to get 2 in play (with potential of all 3) and to avoid 1 in prize cards costing you. Don't really need switches either with everything having 1 retreat cost. Giant Cape to go from 140 to 160, is it worth it ? Especially with tool scrappers. Cilans to ensure get the energy you need are very useful.
Yeah, Im planning on switching 1 Emolga with a Altaria when I get a third one. He is just a filler right now. Also Giant Cape is a filler until I get 2 more Pokemon Catchers. Should be picking thoughs up soon and then I will just have to work on using the deck more efficently.
Well enjoy using it, I know playing against it is rough. The trick, as always, is to try to find something to combat it which also works against the other best decks out there. I've found if can hang in there against this long enough to kill a couple Chomps then can sometimes come back to take the W in the end.
So I played this deck yesterday for 2 matches. Lost both. First one I had a bad draw. Knocked me out after 3 turns. I didnt have enough basic. Second lasted a good while. Lost because I ran out of cards to draw. So im thinking im using my trainers a little too early or too much. He was playing a Luxio deck. Cant really remember what else he had in it. I updated the deck with what I was using. I dont have a 4th catcher but when I get it I will add it. Any suggestion will be appreciated.
I think you're using way too many energies. Thirteen is understandable if you seem to be having trouble hitting them, but seventeen with three Energy Retrievals is a bit rediculous. You might be doing something wrong. Garchomp only needs one to two energies anyway, so missing an attachment is not too big of a deal, really, unless you get into an energy drought, but you shouldn't be with thirteen.