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I think everyone will agree a fourth N and at least two Super Rods, and you can add the fourth Catcher when you get it. That should leave you three spaces for whatever you think is necessary. Personally, I would fill it with another Juniper and maybe some more search. Another Level Ball or two Communications wouldn't hurt.
Groudon goes against the synergy of low energy input/high damage output. I think if anything should be teched in, it would be Terrakion for the return OHKO on Raikou; that way, they can't go sniping Altarias at will. But of course, consistency over techs.
RE: FluffyChomp

-3 Emolga; I don't know if you're aware of this or not, but there has been a recent rule change. The player going first can no longer attack on their first turn. So the set up potential that Emolga had is a lot less.

+3 Muscle Band; It's basically Fight Song in the form of a tool.

I think I like Garchomp without Altaria a little bit better.
RE: FluffyChomp

Mora said:
-3 Emolga; I don't know if you're aware of this or not, but there has been a recent rule change. The player going first can no longer attack on their first turn. So the set up potential that Emolga had is a lot less.

+3 Muscle Band; It's basically Fight Song in the form of a tool.

I think I like Garchomp without Altaria a little bit better.

Thanks Mora.

What would you suggest in place of Altaria?