Flychamp vs Flyphan


Aspiring Trainer
Alright here is an interesting decision... I run a very successful build of flyphan (5-2 at states, should have been 6-1, only legit loss was to a magnizone variant that I was not ready for. The problem is gryados is HUGE in the states (and regional) meta game. I managed a win against it due to some luck and my playing around donphans weakness. The problem is it is "almost" and autoloss, I played 2 more variants today (3 games) and only won once. Since going undefeated or close to is the only may to make top cut autolosses don't work.

I am thinking of going to flychamp instead of flyphan until kingdra and gyrados are gone (next season after rotation). Are their any horrible downfalls to running the machamp (take down)? Do I need expert belts with it, and what about the level X Machamp (a little flippy for my taste).

Thanks as always!
ain't this supposed to be in combo's n stuff? even if you go flychamp your lowering your attack speed by going stage 2 and still can't do that much heavy dmg to gyarados, you could try going electric with raichu hgss and hit 120 max per turn but run the risk of donphan, you could go cursegar or plox but even those deck's can see there demise to an sp deck or two, you could go with the seemingly popular luxchomp but that get's out beat to flychamp or flyphan. dude it's like one big cycle, good luck, lol. cya
Sure, I guess you are right, I will look into the riachu, the problem I find is the gyrados is ebelting 150hp, so 120 is not going to kill it.

I could run a 1-1 riachu, 1-lucario GL tech, 1 lighting energy 4 flips, 3 heads = 90 x 2 = 180 for KO, or 120 for two heads

Or a 2-1 luxray GL Lv. X line with 2 lightning energies = with lucario GL you are hitting 120, although a belted gyrados can One HKO me back. Luxray GL could be a good secondary attacker also in other decks with bright look.
They usually have a BTS in play for recovery. Remember to Sand Wall with Flygon as well. If they can't immediately recover, it's a huge advantage for you.

Also, try Team Galactic's Wager/Looker's Investigation and Copycat.

TGW/Looker's will crumble their huge hand (with Pokemon Rescues, Ebelts, Turns, etc.) and Copycat will allow you to bring out your own huge hand for a nice edge. I would recommend these supporters either way.
varit said:
ain't this supposed to be in combo's n stuff? even if you go flychamp your lowering your attack speed by going stage 2 and still can't do that much heavy dmg to gyarados, you could try going electric with raichu hgss and hit 120 max per turn but run the risk of donphan, you could go cursegar or plox but even those deck's can see there demise to an sp deck or two, you could go with the seemingly popular luxchomp but that get's out beat to flychamp or flyphan. dude it's like one big cycle, good luck, lol. cya

El Radar said:
Bubble Coat FTW. It might clunk up the deck but it keeps Donphan alive for an extra turn.

...really? Bubble Coat? Raichu Flygon?

Anyways, think of it this way:

Flychamp has a FANTASTIC SP match up. No one doubts it. However, against other decks, its a little on the lower side of damage output, as its biggest attack is a flippy one, because strong willed and take out aren't your best options. It does alright and is consistent, its just not as hard hitting. However, Flychamp versus GG is going to be one of your HARDEST match ups.

Flyphan has a really good SP match up as well(except Dialgachomp, but thats still a decent one), but not as good as Machamp. Flyphan also NEEDS Nidoqueen in a minimum of a 1-1-1 line, which takes away your tech space. Flyphan DOES do better against other decks that aren't SP as well, but have a very tough time against decks like Gyrados.

Both decks do bad against Gyrados, but Flychamp generally does a little better, and if you use a Duskenoir tech, you can bounce things that are precious to them on their bench. So its up to you.

Flychamp: Difficult Gyra match up, great SP match up, and a average/below average match up against other decks, near auto-loss against GG(debate me on this if you REALLY want to).

Flyphan: Near auto-loss against Gyrados(Kingdra is easily remedied by a queen, and now that big bad dragon isn't so intimidating anymore), average/above average match up against other decks, decent SP match up.
Ok how about since im the one that failed with it at provicals ill put my say in it... FLYPHAN SUCKS!!! Holy Poop man the deck is super good when set up but early game it is the worst garbage EVER... Just saying :p
Dr.empoleon said:
Ok how about since im the one that failed with it at provicals ill put my say in it... FLYPHAN SUCKS!!! Holy Poop man the deck is super good when set up but early game it is the worst garbage EVER... Just saying :p

I got 2 early game donks out of 8 matches, I am not sure what the issue is.
Dr.empoleon said:
Ok how about since im the one that failed with it at provicals ill put my say in it... FLYPHAN SUCKS!!! Holy Poop man the deck is super good when set up but early game it is the worst garbage EVER... Just saying :p

Just because you didn't do good with it doesn't mean it's a bad deck. Many, many Gengars, Jumpluff, LuxChomps, Plox, and Gyarados in my area miss the top cuts in Provincials. Does that mean they're bad decks? Obviously not.

Maybe you didn't have a good, concrete list. Maybe you made a few misplays. Maybe you just got unlucky. You can't say for certain just because you lost that it's a bad deck.
my58vw said:
I can donk you for 80... how about that! :)

HAHAHA yes! I run Flyphan currently, and was wondering if teching in a 2-1-2 Machamp line would help? I am going to try it, but what do you guys think? Early Game with Donphan, with Machamp as a tech against the swarm of SP decks there are now...
sebaastgeen said:
HAHAHA yes! I run Flyphan currently, and was wondering if teching in a 2-1-2 Machamp line would help? I am going to try it, but what do you guys think? Early Game with Donphan, with Machamp as a tech against the swarm of SP decks there are now...

...but...Donphan is in the deal...with if you want to tech against the SPs...just run Flychamp. Honestly. Don't merge the decks.

Flyphan is a good deck. In my list, I always got a T1 Flygon or a T1 Donphan, or T2 if I went first of course. Its very consistent. I didn't use Donphan in the early-mid game unless I had to, because lets face it, everything is hitting WAY bigger than it is. So I used it late game, because it was during late game that it would really shine. Everything is weak during late game, energy lines are gone(barring those last few), and everything can be one shotted but usually cant do the same, so a 140 HP(expert belt) attacker coming in and hitting for 80 for 1 is...godly?
Yea I realized How stupid that idea was haha. But Gyarados is pretty much auto-loss, and that is everywhere where I live. I just dont want an autoloss at Regionals, cuz that sucks! Any techs or strategies to play around the Dos?
Wagers / Dusknoir / Sand Wall?

Autoloss? I'm 3:1 against a pretty good dos in states right now