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flygon and landorus EX


Aspiring Trainer
pokemon 17

3-3-3 flygon
2 celebi EX
3 landorus EX
1 mewtwo EX
1-1 gabite

supporters 10

4 n
4 bianca
2 skyla

trainers 21

2 Random rec.
4 Ultra ball
3 Pokemon catcher
1 Computer search
3 Level ball
1 Super rod
2 Energy retrieval
1 Revive
2 Tool scrapper
2 Switch

Energy 12

6 Fighting
2 Grass
4 Double colorless

The main strategy is to start with Landorus to spread damage while setting flygon up.
Gabite is to search out flygon, And celebi is for using vibrava's attacks.
I would like some advice on how to make it a more consistent deck.
My biggest suggestion would be to thin down your Ultra Ball line and have 3 Switch. You don't need or really want Rare Candy because you'll be using Vibrava's attacks, which is one reason why this deck will be hard to make quick. Max out your Catcher and Lvl Ball lines. Other than that, I'm not entirely sure.
When I saw the deck, I noticed the high-level of pokemon. By having so many pokemon, I would prefer changing the 4 ultra ball for pokemon communication. I would add 3 emolga and take out gabite line (it gives more consistency) and 1 landorus EX (you are adding another starter). I would also like to add another catcher. 4 is a most even in spread decks. I would also take the revive, 1 bianca and 1 level ball (for me 2 is enough when running 3 emolga + 4 communication) for 1 more skyla (I like running three) and 2 Juniper (it is better than Bianca). I would replace Bianca for Cheren as you would be running communication.

- 4 Ultra Ball
- 4 Bianca
- 1 Revive
- 1 Landorus EX
- 1-1 Gabite
- 1 Level Ball
- 13

+ 4 Communication
+ 1 Skyla
+ 2 Juniper
+ 3 Emolga
+ 3 Cheren
+ 13