Flygon Ex d vs. Dragonite Ex d

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True. Even up against metanite (grass resistance) dragonite will still probably kill everything! Dragonite's deafen stop rare candy with 10 dmg. Without rare candy, you stall for time to power up draggy, then dragon roar for a double kill (without candy, they have basics). A good card to use with this would be crystal shard. Change draggy's type to grass for the turn to bypass resistance... I should put that into my own dragonite deck.

Combined with flygon or altaria ex (preferrably altaria ex), dragon roar can get started twice as fast (and even have a possible T1 deafen!).

IMO flygons better cause it's just broken
with jolteon you can do 20 to the bench in 1 turn and 80 to the active and it has a energy accelerater
not saying drag is bad but flygons just better
It really just depends on what deck you're using. If you're going to be discarding a lot use Draggy. If you just need lots of energies for something like Venusaur's (CG) or Sunflora's (UF) Green Blast move then Flygon would be the better choice. It just depends on what deck you're running.
It really just depends on what deck you're using.

Right now, Flygon Ex d is a bit stronger that Draggonite Ex d, but I don't think we have seen the right combination of cards put together to truely make Dragonite Ex d shine yet.

Exactly! I'm thinking about using one of them as primary attacker. (I know, Draggy works nice on Metanite). Good for active and bench hitting. All of them have overpowered attacks. But besides setup helpers, which would be other good combinations for them?

Weexing(Dx)/Low Pressure System with Draggy for a almost grass/lighting deck? Sableye(PK)/Phoebe's Stadium with Flygon for almost psychic deck?
Eveelutions (Jolteon/ Espeon/Umbreon)?
Rayquaza Ex d it's the best with both?

Altaria Ex d and Eveelutions = free 2 prizes for MSN or Destiny?
I appreciate the opinions of all!

Current score:
Flygon 8 - Dragonite 6
I think that you have a couple of ways to go with Dragonite ex d.

1. The Cursed Stone route – these Pokemon don’t have powers and can easily be used with cursed stone:

* Weezing (dx)
* Exeguttor d (hp)
* Marowak d (ds)
* Raichu d (hp)
* Xatu d (df)
* Claydoll (hp)
* Glalie (em)

2. The Deafen attack – These Pokemon help improve the trainer lock or just add general disruption:

* Xatu d (df)
* Feraligatr d (df)
* Gyarados d
* Vaporeon ex (ds)
* Mew ex (lm)
* Manetrix ex (dx)
* Houndoom (uf)
* Delcatty ex (cg)
* Metagross ex (pk)

3. The Dragon Roar abuse – Lot’s of Pokemon can be used to help spread damage:

* Flygon ex d (df)
* Raquaza ex d (df)
* Jolteon ex (ds)
* Jolteon d (ds)
* Exeguttor d (hp)
* Raichu d (hp)
* Marowak d (ds)
* Claydoll (hp)
* Glalie (em)
* Lickitung d (df)
* Yanma (uf)
* Shiftry ex (cg)

4. Tech me out – these Pokemon just fit well with Dragonite, offering energy acceleration or other benefits.  Most of these should probably be avoided in Cursed Stone decks.

* Dragonite d (ds) – lighting from discard to bench
* Altaria ex d (df) – basic energy to stage 2 ex pokemon
* Flygon d (hp) – basic or dRE to any delta pokemon
* Meganium ex (uf) – grass energy & healing anywhere
* Venusaur (cg) – all colorless energy counts as grass ... abuse that Cyclone, Boost, and more.
* Sceptile (op4) – move grass energy from one Pokemon to another.
* Gardevoir d (ds) – move any energy

5. Complement me – Since lots of things, particularly metal Pokemon have grass resistance it’s helpful to have techs that can deal this:

* Mew d (op5)
* Marowak d (ds)
* Arbok d (df)
* Latias ex d (df)
* Latias* (dx)
* Latios* (dx)
* Lugia ex (uf)
* Gardevoir ex d (df)
* Flaireon ex (ds)

6. Help me out – unless you are focusing on the T2 lockout, your deck could probably use a starter.  And if you don’t have a starter then you could use help with consistency:

* Nidoqueen d (df)
* Fearow d (cg)
* Delcatty (pk)
* Holon’s Castaform
* Mawile (cg)
* Tauros (cg)
* Lickitung d (df)
* Yamna (uf)
Hm... nice tutorial vanderblit! Good "way to go" with Draggy!

Flygon Ex d is really better for a primary damage dealer than Dragonite Ex d?

Flygon's speed (body + psyquic pulse) > Draggy's power (Deafen + D. Roar)?

Current score:
Flygon 9 - Dragonite 7
Here's what Ive got:

Flygon: 3
Faster with 1 energy less for 80 attack.
Great Combo Pokémon from same line (flygon HP) for greater attack speed.
Psychic type hurts a lot of cards, but gets killed by shiftry ex.

Not many cards resist grass.
Deafen is priceless in a game ruled by trainer cards (especially rare candy, tools and stadiums).
Possible double kill.
No wasted damage.
Damage COUNTERS to stop weakness, resistance, p-powers, some p-bodies and other cards.

My vote remains with dragonite.
Nice view point mystic!

Flygon = Simple Agressive. Only fast damage. (ok, fast damage rocks!)
Dragonite = Power with more possibilities and strategy.

ok, flygon hit's 80 for 3, but draggy can lock some trainers a little with deafen, before hit hard with dragon roar for 4.

I'm really looking for Draggy's side right now...

Current score:
Flygon 9 - Dragonite 7
i vote flygon ex d cos it uses 3 energy to make its ulimate atk. It`s pokebody is damn good
and it can spread damage easily with its atk.
^no..i think flygon EX and salamence EX should be in the same deck..but what u said,is not a bad idea..lucky one..
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