i use to love speed spread back in the day was so beast so im triing this build with flygon and celebi ex cuz it reminds me of the beast days lol.
pokemon 21
4-3-4 flygon (bc)
2 celebi ex
2-1-2 dusknoir (bc)
3 shaymin (bc)
supporter / trainers 24
2 juniper
2 ultra balls
2 comunications
3 pokemon catcher
2 bianca
2 n
2 rare candy
1 super rod
1 heavy ball
4 skyla
1 computer search
2 switch
energy 15
4 dble color
7 fighting
4 blend energy (grass/phsyic)
The plan is to get a flygon out to do damgae while setting up so my other flygons can do vibrava's sand pulse and dusknoir to control the damage.any help to make this stronger would be greatful.
pokemon 21
4-3-4 flygon (bc)
2 celebi ex
2-1-2 dusknoir (bc)
3 shaymin (bc)
supporter / trainers 24
2 juniper
2 ultra balls
2 comunications
3 pokemon catcher
2 bianca
2 n
2 rare candy
1 super rod
1 heavy ball
4 skyla
1 computer search
2 switch
energy 15
4 dble color
7 fighting
4 blend energy (grass/phsyic)
The plan is to get a flygon out to do damgae while setting up so my other flygons can do vibrava's sand pulse and dusknoir to control the damage.any help to make this stronger would be greatful.