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Flygon Spread

IMD wolfy

Aspiring Trainer
i use to love speed spread back in the day was so beast so im triing this build with flygon and celebi ex cuz it reminds me of the beast days lol.

pokemon 21

4-3-4 flygon (bc)
2 celebi ex
2-1-2 dusknoir (bc)
3 shaymin (bc)

supporter / trainers 24

2 juniper
2 ultra balls
2 comunications
3 pokemon catcher
2 bianca
2 n
2 rare candy
1 super rod
1 heavy ball
4 skyla
1 computer search
2 switch

energy 15

4 dble color
7 fighting
4 blend energy (grass/phsyic)

The plan is to get a flygon out to do damgae while setting up so my other flygons can do vibrava's sand pulse and dusknoir to control the damage.any help to make this stronger would be greatful.
Couldn't you use Celebi as an attacker and retreat back into Flygon? With Dusknoir, it would increase your damage output by 60.
Mora said:
Couldn't you use Celebi as an attacker and retreat back into Flygon? With Dusknoir, it would increase your damage output by 60.

Im useing flygon to attack also since celebi lets me use my stage1 and basic attacks also. He will attack with vibravas secound att tht will do 50 and 10 to bench, but in some cases i have had to use celebi to att and switch but not my main action.
This deck bothers me because you are kind of discouraged from using Rare Candy because you are supposed to attack with Vibrava, but if Celebi were attacking, you could Rare Candy to Flygon and start spreading with Flygon T2. It was just a thought I had while reading this, and I thought I should mention it.
I would drop 1 or 2 candies for a vibrava or two. With skyla you can easily search out a candy for duskinore so I dont see the point in having four.

Other than that the deck looks good :)
I'm not sure if my comment warrants creating a whole new thread because it has some key differences, but going along the same lines as what Mora was saying, getting your spread damage to start stacking as quickly as possible is a really big deal. I tested a flygon deck for a while that didn't use celebi at all, and then I tested a version with celebi. Bottom line is that celebi ruins flygon. There are some really nice cheap attacking stage 1 pokemon that hit-and-run, allowing you to put some big damage out there, then retreat back to your flygon, and spread even more. The attackers I used were Ninjask from dragons exalted, and Gliscor from boundaries crossed. These two have great synergy with flygon, as they share the same kinds of energy (grass and fighting), and hit some big names for lots of damage. Gliscor hits Darkrai EX for weakness, and Ninjask hits Keldeo EX for weakness. I've found that using these two attackers with Flygon is much more consistent, much faster, and deals much more damage than using celebi. I hope this is helpful! :D
PellOfTheTundra said:
I like Donphan PLS as well, for its Spinning Turn, 40 on one energy.

That's a great one! :eek: I dismantled the deck before Plasma Storm came out, and haven't looked at it since then, but using some combo of that with the other attackers, maybe even combee if you wanted to be silly (I would).
ok so i changed a lil of my build and read ur comments and sounds like u all thinks im just attackin with vibrava, but the plan is to attack with flygon but use vibravas sand pulse thanks to celebi ex which means ill do 50 10 but also get the between turn damage also.Depending how my hand starts out is if i just auto candy into flygon to stall/spread. I did find landorus to be a good to as it can snipe for 1 energy.

tell me what you think.
We know about attacking with flygon, and using celebi's ability to use vibrava's attack instead of flygon's, but the issue with this is that in order to have a vibrava under your flygon, so that celebi's ability can work, requires at least 3 turns of solid set up, which in a spread deck, is just too long. by focusing on rare candies, and hit-and-run attackers, your speed, consistency, and turns in play all go up. And another strategy I've found works really nicely with flygon when you don't try to attack with flygon, is that you can play max potions. Since you only need energies on your hit-and-runners, and flygon only needs one energy to retreat, max potion works fantastically at keeping your flygons in play forever. Though paying retreat cost with flygon is a rare things, because you should use switch, as well as escape rope. Escape rope makes your opponent switch first, allowing you to choose which attacker to send in (against some decks, that can matter), and it gives you (up to, depending on your choice of line) 8 free switches to attackers.

I hope this clears some things up. :D