Lets think i have a flygon (SW) as my active pokemon, i hit and the defending pokemon lies with 10 hp. beetwen turns, it dies due to its pokepower. when my oponets replaces his pokemon, does it takes the pokepower damage?
Here is another: my oponet kills my pokemon, then i replace him with flygon (SW), does his pokemon take the pokepower damage inmediatly before my turn starts?
And for last, if i atach a scramble energy to flygon, does his attack does the bonus 20?
Thank you.
Here is another: my oponet kills my pokemon, then i replace him with flygon (SW), does his pokemon take the pokepower damage inmediatly before my turn starts?
And for last, if i atach a scramble energy to flygon, does his attack does the bonus 20?
Thank you.