Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [CLOSED] for a long time!

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RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS!

Mapleboy86: Sure! :)

Fax: Do you want the cards or cut-outs of the pokemon on the banner?

EDIT: Mapleboy86: Ok done, I made it bigger because it's a banner, the other one I made for you was supposed to be an avatar lol ;)


RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS!

I will have the cut outs, that would be great. Thank you again!!!
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS!

Hey flygon, can i take the next request?
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS!

Sorry but I got it :D
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS!

Fax: Done, poll credit and etc. :)

Sorry about the big whole in the middle of Sableye IDK how that got there...but these take like a half hour to upload if it's a blended animation.


RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS!

Hi, Flygon? I requested before from you and now I'd like to work for you. Here's my form:
Username » Dr4g0n
What you make » Avatars and Banners
What program you use » Adobe Photoshop CS2 then send it to PhotoBucket to make it
How much expeirience » Very, very little...which is why I want to work here and get more experience!
Examples » I've only done one so it is:


Please let me join! (EDIT: By the way, i do not know how to do animation.)
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS!

Ok I suppose, but I will have to teach you I guess to build up your experience. :)

I will PM you everything.
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS!

OK, thank you! I can handle a request soon, I'm open most the time.
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS!

Yeah me too -_- I'm DYING to get a request!
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS!

Hey, thank you sooooo much, it looks amazing!!!
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS!

Glad you like it! Please vote on the poll too :)
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS!

Hey flygon. Want to combine shops? If not, I'm open for requests.
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS!

No thanks I'll pass.
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS!

Ok. BTW do you make userbars?
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS!

Yes I can :) (I forgot to add that to the list of what I can do >_< ) Thanks for reminding me.
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS!

[ x] Banner [ ] Avatar [ ] Other:
Images » A gum ball machine and a guy with a screwdriver trying to scam it.
Background » Whatever
Text + Color optional » Juliacoolo:Rigging your local gumball machines.
*animated page two* (animated the guy wiggilng the gumball) Lets see here.....
Border + Color optional » NO thanks
Artist optional » NO
Animation optional explain » 1st page, animatedted to second page with a guy slamming a screwdriver into the machine.

If this is too much, tell me and I'll ask for something else.
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS!

No it's not, but maybe, this'll be the most fun request EVER! :)
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS!

THANKS! Also, off topic but... Can you teach me how to animate with PS. (Its weird asking a co-worker for an order)
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration #2! [OPEN] NEED REQUESTS!

I have no idea, I posted a thread asking how to get photoshop...but I know how to animate on Gimp :)

Also could you provide links to the images you want on your banner please? Thanks.
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