Flygon999's Animation Frustration! [CLOSED]


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RE: Animated Banners/Avatars|Fake Cards|Recolors|Fusions | Closed

Master Torrent said:
Banner, Avatar, Fake Card, Fusion: Avatar
Size:that fits the avatar size
Animation, yes/no:yes!
Pokemon(s):Glaceon X,
Text: Aqua
Background:Light Blue

Next Layer (animation):First Layer Glaceon X than the 2nd layer Vaporeon Star

Pokemon(s):Vaporeon Star
Background:Sky Blue

tnx! you can take your time^^

I am done! Now, I know the backgrounds are different. But I just didn't understand the difference between sky blue and light blue, they're the same to me, and didn't quite look as good.


  • GlacePoreon.gif
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RE: Animated Banners/Avatars|Fake Cards|Recolors|Fusions | Closed

The lickitung pwnz :p
RE: Animated Banners/Avatars|Fake Cards|Recolors|Fusions | Closed

Wow thanks this is brill!

Can you send me the code please thanks!
RE: Animated Banners/Avatars|Fake Cards|Recolors|Fusions | Closed

@ dark_charizard: Just put in this link:
RE: Animated Banners/Avatars|Fake Cards|Recolors|Fusions | Closed

@ Dia: Done! Now, you're request was a bit confusing..but I did the best I could :D.

@ Charging_Chimchar: Lol I almost got your order mixed up with Dia's. :D Now, your order wasn't really explaining enough, so I just did this:


  • Kirby Clan.gif
    Kirby Clan.gif
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  • The Kirby Klan.jpg
    The Kirby Klan.jpg
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RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration! [OPEN]

What you want: Banner
Size (pixels): Medium
Animation, yes/no: Yes
Pokemon: Dusknoir
Text: Shadow...
Text Color: Mixture of black and purple
Background: Dark city streets

2nd Layer (animation):

Pokemon: Cresselia
Text: Moon
Text Color: Mixture of pink and white
Background: Moon waxing (lighting up to full moon)

3rd Layer (animation):

Pokemon: Dusknoir looking up at Cresselia who is near the full moon.
Text: Shadow Moon
Text Color: Gold
Background: Pretty much the first two backgrounds combined but with the information stated above.
If animation, I can do a bunch of Layers. State each layer!
What do you mean by state each layer? (Sorry for the stupid question. I've never requested a banner with this much before.)
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration! [OPEN]

@ Lunar Wing: I think you figured it out, by having a 3rd layer. "State" means to say. Also, I may not be able to have multicolored text, so if I can't, what colors would you prefer?

@ Blaziken Expert: It was hard, long, tough, but I managed to get it done!


  • GeoCrashers.gif
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RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration! [OPEN]

Okay then well here is my new request.
What you want: Banner
Size (pixels): Medium
Animation, yes/no: Yes
Pokemon: Dusknoir
Text: Shadow...
Text Color: A very dark perple
Background: Dark city streets

2nd Layer (animation):

Pokemon: Cresselia
Text: Moon
Text Color: Light blue
Background: Moon waxing (lighting up to full moon)

3rd Layer (animation):

Pokemon: Dusknoir looking up at Cresselia who is near the full moon.
Text: Shadow Moon
Text Color: Gold
Background: Pretty much the first two backgrounds combined but with the information stated above.

Is that better? And thank you for taking this request.
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration! [OPEN]

@ Peta: Unable to do request, sorry, just don't understand it.

@ Lunar Wing: Unable to do request, sorry. I can't make a moon lighting up, I don't have any Dusknoir pictures where it's looking up, and I can't draw it.
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration! [OPEN]

Aww okay. If you don't mind then I'll ask on another thread.
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration! [OPEN]

Yeah that's fine. As for anybody else, nobody is on the In Progress or the Waiting List, now is the best time to order some stuff!
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration! [OPEN]

What you want:Banner
Size (pixels):A little bit longer than yours
Animation, yes/no:no
Pokemon:Machamp Lv.X (faded in the background), Any random pic of Machamp sticking out of the border
Text Color:
Background:Anything that looks cool
EDIT: Can I also order an avatar?
What you want: Avatar
Size (pixels):like yours
Animation, yes/no:no
Pokemon:Machamp (make a part of it stick out like the Flygon in your banner)
Text:-MACHAMPMASTER- on the bottom in bold
Text Color:Black
Background:Anything that looks cool
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration! [OPEN]

What you want:Banner Please :D
Size (pixels): 633x204 or bigger in either dimension whatever is easiest for you
Animation, yes/no:
Pokemon: Tyranitar on one side and a suicune on the other both looking at the text
Text: ~Tyrannitar Rage's My Player Thread~
Text Color:blue or red whatever looks best with backround
Background: black or another color whatever looks best
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration! [OPEN]

@ xXSalamenceMasterXx: Done the Banner as of now, but I did the opposite of the pokemon, faded machamp, regular machamp lv.x, it just looked waaaaaaaay better. I put my credit at the bottom of it, but if you don't want that, let me know and I will remove it, but you would have to put the credit in your signature.




But without the *.[hr]
Done the avatar, I hope you like it! -MACHAMPMASTER- is really long, so I had to delete the hyphens. (-'s)




But without the *.
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration! [OPEN]

@ Tyrannitar Rage: Done, if you want any fixes let me know!




Without the *.
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration! [OPEN]

ooh your really good!
Is it possible to Expand that black backround, like make all that white bordering stuff black instead :D and fill in the emty gap below the text with maby a snorlax or something? And if the text is an easy fix, put that in cursive, if you have to remake the whole thing jjust for the text its ok :D

Thanks again! =]
RE: Animated Banners/Avatars|Fake Cards|Recolors|Fusions |Hiring 2 Employees|OPEN

Delta said:
Banner, Avatar, Fake Card, Fusion: Banner
Size: 750x100
Animation, yes/no: yes
Pokemon(s): Red with a pikachu
Text: You know what!?
Background: A viridian forest look

Next Layer (animation):

Pokemon(s): Snorlax, Pikachu, Charizard, Blastiose, Espeon, Venasaur
Text: I might be the best darn trainer ever
Background: An indigo platue look

As in red the trainer with pikachu with a forestry background and then an indigo platue picture on the next slide
RE: Flygon999's Animation Frustration! [OPEN]

What you want: A signature banner.
Size (pixels): I don't know. I guess the same size as the banner for your shop.
Animation, yes/no: No
Pokemon: Dusknoir and Absol (up front) and Claydol and Alakazam (smaller and in the background)
Text: Evil Souls at Dusk (large/on top) Coming to a Cities near you! (small, below name)
Text Color: Dark Purple
Background: Night time at a forest
Thanks a lot (I'm assuming this is free).