For you who is the weakest among Ash's Bird Pokemon?

Weakest among Ash's Bird Pokemon?

  • Pidgeotto - Pidgeot

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • Noctowl

    Votes: 31 62.0%
  • Tailow - Swellow

    Votes: 9 18.0%
  • Starly - Staravia

    Votes: 8 16.0%

  • Total voters
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I'm sure you'd do the same thing if it were a shiny Darkrai^^.

Anyways, I vote Noctowl. He only appeared, what, a couple few times? He also rarely battled, and didn't do to well.
Noctowl is hands-down the worst. It had a small role except for looking for stuff. I agree Swellow is fairly powerful. Second most powerful was Pidgeot. I think its underated. Staravia is getting better though...
I say Noctowl. Serebii's Bio of Ash make it out to be really strong because it's a psychic type and such, but in relation to his other Bird pokemon, it sucks the most, only gets half a mention in my books because it's shiny.
Noctowl is not psychic type. But unlike many I would not say noctowl was a goner. Remember its not the bird's fault if they sucked. Its actually Ash/writer's fault for not featuring them well. Noctowl was special in its own way and I just watched the Ecrutec gym episode yesterday and Noctowl looked really impressive. Its just that the writers chose swellow to shine and so it did. They left pidgeot to rot which was really not fair either. I loved that big bird. Hope someday they will bring it back....
Ash's bird Pokemon have been mostly used as searchers. Pidegotto didn't battle much, but was strong already. Tailow did some battling, but Swellow was used more often. And Staravia is still getting stronger, so Ash will most likely use it more often. Noctowl was just terrible.
Actually, i'd defiantly say Staravia. Noctowl would be last on my list probably. And that's because it never lost. It was never shown losing a battle, it might not have competed in many, but it won all the ones it was put in. Plus, remember the episode it was caught in? It was shown to be incredibly smart, sneaky and powerful.

Plus the fact that Buizel has to go up against a Gengar in a coming japanese episode might show just how hard it was for Noctowl to defeat one. I give it more credit and defiantly say Staravia.
Cartoonist48 said:
Actually, I'd defiantly say Staravia. Noctowl would be last on my list probably. And that's because it never lost. It was never shown losing a battle, it might not have competed in many, but it won all the ones it was put in. Plus, remember the episode it was caught in? It was shown to be incredibly smart, sneaky and powerful.

Plus the fact that Buizel has to go up against a Gengar in a coming japanese episode might show just how hard it was for Noctowl to defeat one. I give it more credit and defiantly say Staravia.

You are wrong on this. Noctowl was shown losing plenty of times. Plus, Staravia, defeated to of Maylenes pokemon, when Ash's other pokemon couldn't. However, that being said, it's not really fair to compare Staravia to the others, because it hasn't fully evolved, so it obviously won't be as strong as it could be.

I usaly stay out of the Anime part of the forums (I'm more of a TCG/TFG/WiFi player), but I felt like saying something.
Lets have a close look at the Flying/Birds that Ash has or had.

Pidgeotto/Pidgeot: It was his second captaur (after Caterpie) but, first Evoloed Pokémon (1st stage) that caught, after Caterpie/Metapod/Butterfree or Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard.
Shiny Noctowl: His rarest one, as it's a shiny one (back then, not meny people knew about coloured/Shiny Pokémon).
It also won against Morty's Gengar after it learnt how to use: Confusion.
Taillow/Swellow: It won a flying Pokémon contest & even beat it's Shiny Conter-Part (Winona's).
Starly/Staravia (maybe Staraptor): Caught to help look for Pikachu in Shino, then evolved to help other bird type's.

Pro's & Con's

Pro: Has great speed, but if he "kept" it with him it would be much faster & would've had a better move pool then; Quick Attack, Fly (Yes, Ash has used it-watch the Pidgeotto/Fearow (the one where Pidgeotto Evolved in) Episode) & Wing Attack.
Con: Having left it with the other Pidgey/Pidgeotto (on route 1/Just outside Pallet Town) he would've had a better move pool.

Shiny Noctowl:
Pro: Yes, it's Shiny & had an attidute with Ash in the start (like Aipom/Ambipom or Buizel)...also it's won against Morty's Gengar (after it learnt how to use Confusion).
Con: I would "recall" it to use against Fantina's Mismangus/Gengar/Driflim. It also has a great protencenal to learn more moves, other then: Forsight, Peck & Confusion.

Pro: After evo'ing from Taillow (in a Flying Pokémon contest) it has won alot of battles. Also it knows how to be a "Delta" Poké hehe or should I say it's has had electric aromor.
Cons: Like shiny Noctowl, it's won a few gym battles, however I would've used it for contests.

Staravia (maybe Staraptor):
Pros: His current flying "powerhouse" (other then Glisor)
Cons: We'll have to wait & see what he (yes, it's a male one)) can do.

What I moves I would give to Ash's Birds:


  • Twister
  • Roost
  • Air Slash/Fly
  • Mirror Move/Aerial Ace


  • Foresight
  • Zen Headbutt/Extrasensory
  • Aerial Ace
  • Fly/Hypnosis


  • Air Cutter (it's a Platnium Move Tutor)
  • Twister (same as Air Cutter)
  • Air Slash
  • Aerial Ace/Fly


  • Aeril Ace/Air Cutter (Move Tutor)
  • Twister/Defog
  • Heat Wave/Close Combat
  • Brave Bird/Fly
Those are some points.
The only reason Noctowl was not favored by the majority of anime fans is because Ash (aka the creators) didn't use him to the best of his abilities. ;)

I haven't really seen too many of the Johto episodes so maybe the reason why some fans choose certain bird Pokemon as being his best, because they haven't seen much of the other in the anime. Overall, by appearence, Noctowl would be my favorite. :)
I hardly saw Noctowl in use and when he was he didn't do well. From what I've seen he seems to be the weakest.
I have not seen much of Ash`s staravia but from what ive seen its kind of weak (probably changed, I havent watched pokemon for so long).
I don't think it's Pidgeot, because it pwnd.
Not Noctowl, because it's really a Shiny Noctowl (literally, it is.)
Swellow is pretty good.
I think it is Staravia, beacuse he hasn't had it for as long. I think that once it is trained more, that Swellow will be the weakest then.
No ShinyMew, it is definitely Noctowl. It's shiny, but that's it. It is definitely the weakest of the four. Swellow battled quite well against Wallace, Pidgeot was awesome in the episode of parting.

Staravia, meh. But Noctowl is definitely weak.
Zyflair said:
No ShinyMew, it is definitely Noctowl. It's shiny, but that's it. It is definitely the weakest of the four. Swellow battled quite well against Wallace, Pidgeot was awesome in the episode of parting.

Staravia, meh. But Noctowl is definitely weak.

Hold up, didn't Noctowl own Morty?
That's true. I wasn't around that much during the Johto era, but Noctowl did.

If swellow helped Ash defeated Wallace, I doubt Swellow is weak.
xanaseviper, please don't revive a dead thread.

EVERYONE ELSE, please don't post in a revived thread.

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